7) DeathEater Valley ~ Lucy's P.O.V

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  Lucy's P.O.V
I woke up about 9:30 the next morning and sat up on my bed "I am fed up with dressing to impress, I am going to dress in a pair of jeans and a nice top" I told myself quietly as I stood up. I looked in the mirror "I'm so ugly. Look at me. I'm pathetic" I said as I looked at my reflection.

 Red puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks and freaky purple eyes. I walked over to my chest of draws and pulled out a pair of jeans, then I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out a pretty top. I laid out the clothes I chose on my bed as I picked up my towel and walked down to the bathroom. I locked the door, turned the shower on and stripped. I stepped into the shower and washed my hair and body as I sang.

(Kelly Clarkson - Honestly)

When I finished singing, I turned the shower off. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. I unlocked the door and walked out, but as soon as I walked out of the bathroom, I bumped into someone... I bumped into Charlie. He caught me and chuckled "We should really stop bumping into each other" I laughed as he helped me back to my feet "Yeah" He replied as he looked at my breasts "My eyes are up here!" I stated and he blushed "Sorry" He mumbled as he hurried downstairs. 

I ignored it and disappeared upstairs. I walked into my room *He did not really give me a choice yesterday, he basically made me meet him* I thought as I changed. When I was finished changing, I walked over to my full body mirror and inspected my . I was quite impressed with my outfit and not meaning to toot my own horn or anything, but I looked good. I ran down stairs, well as fast as I could in heels. Which by the way is harder than it sounds, anyway I ran down to the kitchen and sat down at the dining table.

Mr. Weasley was here today, normally he's at the ministry. Dangerous time it is, with all these death eaters around, but everything is okay so far "Morning Lucy" Mr. Weasley greeted happily "Morning sir" I greeted back. Soon the other Weasleys, Potter and Granger all trailed into the kitchen "Morning" They all grumbled "Morning" I said loudly and cheerfully and they all goaned except Charlie I guess he stayed awake after helping me

. I smiled to myself "I'm going to see Peter again today" I said sweetly "No, I suggest you not do that Lucy" Mr. Weasley stated "Why not?" I asked "Too dangerous out there, especially for a young woman like your self" He explained "Death eaters everywhere" He added "I'll be fine Mr. Weasley. I'm a big girl now and besides I'll be with my boyfriend" I said smiling, but truthfully, I was dreading it "If your sure Lucy, but do you trust this lad?" He questioned *No* I thught, but I knew I couldn't say that "Yes" I lied "Well okay then. What time are you meeting him?" He asked "12:00 pm" I replied quickly. Then we sat and ate breakfast in silence.

After I was finished eating breakfast, I stood up and walked out of the kitchen. Suddenly I was pulled into the front room and they closed the door. I looked at them "Percy what are you doing?" I asked angrily and he just stared at me in disbelief.

*Time Skip*

After Percy's long long long long long lecture, it was time for me to leave. I said my goodbyes and left awaiting what pain the day would bring. I apparated to Diagon alley and realised how dead, lifeless and plain it had become. It was even worse than yesterday. You'd have to be mad to be out here or a death eater. Wait... What am I saying... Death eaters are mad! I chuckled quietly, but it still echoed as if I was shouting in a train tunnel or any tunnel. I started walking towards to pub and with every step I took, there was an echo. *I do not like this* I thought to myself as I walked through the terrifyingly silent streets of Diagon alley. I walked wearily through the cold and dark streets as I had a strong, firm grip on my wand. Ready to fight anyone who dares to challenge me.

It was sad and depressing to see the once lively and packed Diagon alley, so gloom and empty. There was no laughter. There was no chatter. There was no noises other than the wind whistling through the gaps of buildings and brutally shaking the leaves off of the trees. As I got closer to the three broomstix's, I heard birds screech and a few screams of pain.

 Ear piercing screams. *Poor soul* I thought as I kept my guard up. I shivered as I felt the wind rush down my back and I hurried into the the building. I was scared. No, I was terrified. Inside was just as dark, just as cold and just as gloomy as it was outside. There were very few people sat inside, not one of them spoke, not one of them looked happy in fact they all had one thing in common. Fear. They were all shaking in fear. I looked around the dully lit room in hope of finding Peter *Where is he?* I thought as I hesitantly sat down on one of many empty tables. No body moved a muscle, they did not turn to look at me nor anyone else who had walked through that door.

"Ah... So you did turn up then" I heard the familiar voice of Peter, but something about it was different. I turned around to look at him and there he was in the flesh "What took you so long?" I questioned happily, he just glared at me. His eyes held so much hate and so much disgust as he looked at me. His glare felt like a million little pin pricks within my heart. He grabbed me by my hair and yanked it with so much force, I stood up "L-l-leave the g-girl alone" Someone stuttered, trying to protect me "Shut up old man" Peter hissed as he dragged me out of the building and threw me onto the floor.

 I slowly pushed myself up off of the cold damp concrete pavement "Well done Peter" I heard her congratulate him "Thank you Mother" He replied joyfully *Mother? Shes his MOTHER!* I screamed mentally, then I felt my head jolt back and I was staring into her eyes... I was staring into Bellatrix Lestrange's eyes, She menacingly giggled as she stared at my pained expression "I'm going to do to you... What you did to me" She stated, grinning evilly and she pushed me back to the floor.

 I stood up, regaining y posture and looked at Peter straight into his eyes "Was anything you ever told me true?" I asked, betrayal and pain dripped through my words "Yes. My name is Peter. My age. Me being a Slytherin" He replied emotionless and I just stared at him in disbelief "Wait... You didn't actually believe that I would ever love you" He said in amusement "Oh my Merlin... You did!" He laughed, a tear slid down my cheek.

He started to stalk towards me "Why would I love a freak like you? You are a nobody, a freak, strange, ugly, naive, fat, stupid and most of all you are just a waste of space. You will never be a somebody, you will never be normal, you will never be loved" He stated cruelly, but his voice was full of amusement. I felt the warm tears trail down my pale cheeks. His cruel insulting words echoed through the empty streets, bouncing off of the buildings and I could've swore that my heart shattered into millions of little shards. It was the second time this had happened to me, but for some reason, this was worse than the first.

 My ego shattered and my confidence disappeared. I was heart broken "But we..." He cut me off "We had nothing!" He yelled, truth was evident in his tone of voice. I felt as if I was going to fall, but stayed strong. I stayed standing, trying to not let his words get to me. One thing was clear to me *I will NEVER fall in love EVER again!* I thought as I held back the sobs.

 Bellatrix started to giggle "Naawww what ashame wittle wucy jwust gwot dwumped" She said in an irritating baby voice *I am confident, strong and brave. Use that confidence to make you strong and use that strength to show your bravery* I thought the exact words that I told Ginny. I would be a hippocrit if I did not use my own theory "Hush up bitch" I hissed after I found that bravery "Excuse me?" She retaliated , pointing her wand at me and so did that traitor of a boyfriend of mine.

I wiped my tear stained cheeks as I too, held my wand out in front of me. I held my wand steady in front of me and my confidence was showing, but inside I was crying. No, I was screaming out for help. I never broke my eye contact with Bellatrix, I had no reason to fear Peter because one swipe of my hand can keep him away, whereas Bellatrix would take a bit more force to take down, unless I was truly focused. 

Bellatrix chuckled again "You should not underestimate my son" She warned evilly "You should not underestimate me" I stated "Hows little Ginny Weasley?" She questioned tauntingly "She never felt better" I answered sarcastically "That's every child's dream, to be tortured" I added hatred was laced in with every word I spoke and then the battle began. Spells and curses were echoing through the dark, motionless streets. Screams and cries of anger filled the air as Peter just sat on the outside watching the fight. Waiting for when he was needed...

I am different, I am strange - Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now