4) Garden Gnomes ~ Charlie's P.O.V

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Charlie's P.O.V
I was casually laying on my bed when I heard screaming from outside, but I ignored it, thinking that the twins hhad just pranked Ginny, Hermione or Lucy. I folded my arms behind my head and closed my eyes, enjoying the peac- "CHARLIE, FRED, GEORGE, ARTHUR!" Mum screamed up the stairs and I groaned. *The one time I get a bit of silence and something bad happens! Sometimes I wonder where my hoiday actually is. Romania or here!* I thought, annoyance burned my mind as I pushed myself up and ran down stairs.

I stood in the door way with the Twins, Mum and Dad "What's wrong?" I asked them and the Twins broke down into fits of laughter. I rose a brow as I saw Lucy run past us "What is she doing?" I asked, amusement fought off my annoyance as I watched the scene in front of me unfold. 

You know what? This is so much more entertaining than staying upstairs* I thought as I held back my laughter. She tried swatting at the Gnome on the hem of her dress and that was when I broke into laughter. I couldn't help it. She managed to get him off of her and started running faster "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" She screamed angrily and the twins fell to their knee's from laughing too hard, I wasn't far behind them as I was clutching my sides and my stomach started to hurt.

George calmed down slightly and yelled back "No," He paused catching some breath "It's HILARIOUS!" He yelled, once again falling into laughter. Suddenly, one of the Gnomes clawed at her shoes and she gasped "NOT MY HEELS YOU LITTLE BASTA- GIT!" She screamed and started to chase the Gnome, the others all turned around last minutes and chased her again as she landed a good kick on the Gnome, sending him flying into the tall grass. I laughed harder. She wasn't looking where she was going and fell into a small ditch "OW!" She exclaimed in annoyance and tried shaking the Gnomes off of her.

*Awh, as good as this is, I s'pose I should go help her* I thought as I huffed out the last few laughs in my system. I jogged over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her up. I led her to the house and helped steady her, then I went back upstairs.


I was sat upstairs in my room thinking about Lucinda and how she acts rude, but isn't if you know what I mean. Then I started thinking about Dragons and walked over to my desk, I picked up my book on Dragons and started to read it.

The Antipodean Opaleye is a breed of Dragon native to New Zealand, although it has been known to migrate to Australia in search of territory.

Nationality- New Zealand
Eye colour- Multi coloured
Average length of adult- 40 ft
Status- Beast
Minister of magic classification- XXXXX

Description and traits

It resides in valleys, which is unusual as dragons typically reside on mountains. It is generally considered one of the most beautiful dragons, with pearly scales that line its body, and glittering multi-coloured eyes that have no pupils. The Opaleye's eggs are pale grey and have been known to be mistaken by Muggles for fossils and it's flame is vivid red.

The Opaleye is not particularly aggressive, rarely killing unless it is hungry making it the easiest of dragons to train. Its prey of choice is sheep, but it has been known to attack larger animals. In the 1970's, several kangaroo killings were thought to have been caused by a male Opaleye that had been ousted from its territory by a dominant female.

I already know all this stuff, but I enjoy reading it. I love Dragons and it's great to be working with them. It's fun, I really enjoy my job. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever saw an Opaleye Dragon before, but I'd love to. Any way I turned the page and read about another Dragon.

Peruvian Vipertooth-
Nationality- Peru
Eye colour- Emerald Green
Skin colour- Copper
Average length of adult- 15 ft
Status- Beast
Ministry of magic classification- XXXXX

Description and traits

It's scales are smooth and copper like coloured. It also has black ridge marks markings and short horns on its head.

My reading was interrupted by a knock on the door*Typical* I thought as I put my book down and walked over to open it "Hello?" I asked slightly annoyed with my free time not being as free. I looked down slightly expecting it to Percy or one of the twins, but to my surprise it was neither. 

I am different, I am strange - Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now