Taehyung Smut ~ Playing Games

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I was at the arcade playing some video games. Although my favorite was Super mario. Oh how i love that game, i play it like 24/7. Anyways i was playing and i had gone thru every game there was in the arcade. i was playing car race game. I'm not good at those type of games,like where you race and stuff. So i had lost, i was in 10th place. But, whatever i decided to keep playing, when this cute guy around my age came towards me.

'' Hi, is okay if i join you''

'' H-hi , and yeah of course'' i replied. I felt my cheeks turning really pink from all the blushing.

'' what's your name??...my name is Taehyung btw'' as he started the game

'' My name is Marlene'' as i placed my hands on the steering wheel.

'' Nice name'' he said

'' T-thank you'' there i go again. Why do i keep blushing? Why am i getting nervous around him? I don't even know him, well i just know his name.

3-2-1..... Gooooo!!!!

The game had started. I pressed on the gas pedal and boosted my car every time i passed a car. I was winning, at first but then some how i saw Taehyung's car fly by.

'' Haha... i passed you, i'm going to win'' he said. His voice sounded so much like a little kid.

I tried passing him and i did after many tries,but then he kept on pushing and crashing my car against other cars.

'' SHIT" i said under my breathe

''NOOOO!!!'' i yelled as i saw his car pass by again and crossing the finish line.

''YESSS... i won'' he yelled in happiness, i pushed my hair back in frustration for losing,but i mean it's just a game there's nothing to be frustrated about.

'' Good game'' i said with a smile.

'' Same here'' he smiled back

We kept on playing for a few hours,until it was time for them to close. We walked out together from the arcade as the guy locked up. Taehyung just kept on bragging about he games that he won. We were about to go our separate ways until he asked me a question.

'' do you want to come to my place to watch movie or Talk to know each other better'' he said while he grabbed my wrist gently.

''uhh.. sure why not'' as i looked down at his hand grabbing on to my wrist and pulling me towards his direction

'' Let's go then, my place is not that far from here. Only a few blocks away'' he said,still grabbing to my wrist.


Before we wen to his house we stopped by a mini market to buy some snacks. We ended up buying chips,candy,drinks,ice cream,poptarts, and many more. Once we were done getting our snacks we paid and started heading to his place which was right around the corner from the mini market.

''we're here'' he said ,he let go of my wrist to grab his keys and opened the front door. He walked in the house as i followed him closing the door behind me.

'' Make your self at home'' he said with a big smile on his face placing the plastic bag on the coffee table in the living room.

'' Can i use you restroom'' i asked

'' Sure, follow me'' i followed him as he was going upstairs heading me to the restroom.

"Thank you'' i said as i walked in. When i was done using the restroom i went to the sink to wash my hands, once i twisted the handle it sprayed water all over me.

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