Talk A Good Game

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Love? Not my thing. If I ever fell in love... Never mind, that would never happen. I don't even know the first thing about love. All I know, is what I've been taught and that was to open my legs for strangers if I wanted to make some quick cash. It quickly became my 'go-to job' whenever I wanted the newest Jordans, or a cute new purse to flash on my arm. Of course, I only go for the niggas who I know got money. Who can support me financially whenever I need it. Those are my regular customers. As for others, I only go that far with them to satisfy my needs.

My best friend, Mia, taught me everything I know. She taught me how to dress to impress any dude, she taught me how to seduce a dude into wanting to fuck. She even taught me all my bedroom tricks. I've gone as far as messing with thirty-year-old men, and I'm only 17. I started doing this when I was 13. It didn't feel weird to me when I first started, I mean I knew what sex was at the time so I didn't think it was a big deal.

But, then there's this boy. We speak occasionally, but I never really get to talk to him one-on-one. Not on any fuckin type ish, but on some real get-to-know-you type stuff. Every time he come around, I instantly get butterflies in my stomach like a 14 year old girl. In my head I be like,"Damn, what the fuck's really good?", but then, I start blushing uncontrollably if he say even two words to me. His perfectly toned arms, that beautiful toothy smile, his amazingly sexy voice.... ugh. He is perfection in my eyes. Only thing is, he know's how I get down. I think that's the reason he won't pay me any attention.

Me and him get along from time-to-time, but we also fuss and fight like cat and dogs. He always throw dirt on my name when we start fighting, I guess because he knows it'll get to me if he brings up the thought of me fucking other dudes for money. It seems like it only hurts when he says it tho. Anybody else, I wouldn't give a damn.

I do have a boyfriend, but he doesn't know anything about what I do. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. He's a cool dude... ya know, nice body, funny personality, swagged. I think he's a really sweet guy, just not for me. I plan on breaking up with him sometime soon, but I just don't know how. I've never actually broken up with a guy before. I basically just leave, and they never hear from me again. I don't know why I always run away like that. I just feel so tempted to when the relationship isn't going how I want it go. Yeah, yeah, I know every relationship has it's problems, but I just can't face it.

My dad is the manager of some well-known business, I'm not sure of what because I never really cared, Don't get me wrong, I am proud of him. I just don't care. One thing I do care about is his love for me and my love for him. I'm a daddy's girl no doubt about it. Most of the time, he gives me whatever I ask for, but when he says "No." I will throw a fit like a little 5 year old.

He gives me money all the time, so obviously there's no reason for me to be out doing what I do. But, my excuse is 'because I like it'. I do what I want, when I want. I don't need anyone to tell me what I can and can't do.

My mom doesn't work. She's always at home or out with some friends. Lucky her, she has no worries. She's a beautiful woman too. Her face looks like she's still a young teenager, with those beautiful long, natural eyelashes, perfect dark brown eyes, her adorable pink lips. My mom is an amazing woman, the most amazing woman in my life. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost her.

My best friend, Mia... biggest slut I've ever met. Not to be rude or anything, just stating facts. Her attitude is a little hard to handle, but you get used to it after a while. She's very blunt, and will tell you like it is. No if, ands, or buts about it. She throw's parties like every week. And every single time, something bad goes down. But, you know I'm still gonna go. It's all types of cute dudes there. With Money.

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