VIII (8)

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Jacques took me out to lunch today. There was a silence the first few minutes sitting at the table. He didn't even speak in the car. I don't know what his problem was, but he was definitely trying not to make eye contact with me. Eventually, he broke the silence. "I'm sorry." He said coldy. I glanced at him. He still wasn't making eye contact, like he was nervous or shy. "Sorry for what?" I asked.

He looked at me with that 'you know why' look. I didn't bother to ask again. I know exactly why he was sorry. I just wanted to hear him say it. "I accept your apology." I plainly stated. We chatted a little afterwards, and he drove us back to my house. He locked the doors so I couldn't get out.

"We never talked about that kiss..." He trailed off. It had to have been buggin him. You could hear it through his words. "What about it?" I asked,  twiddling with my fingers. he didn't respond. He was looking out his driver side window. "Nevermind." He said. He unlocked the doors. "I gotta be somewhere."

"Where you going?" I questioned. He looked at me and smiled his gorgeous smile. "Somewhere."

"I hope you not going to sell drugs..." I grabbed my phone off his car charger and got out. He texted me after he pulled off. It read: don't be mad at me.
I shouldn't be mad. Jacques not mine. But still, he is. After all this time, I finally got him right where I want him. Minus all the arguing and fighting. I don't think we'll ever get passed that stage. 

I never thought he would be the only one left out of my main three people I hung out with. He makes a good friend. A complicated friend too. But he's a good dude. 

"Why do you do that?" Liyah asked. "Do what?" 

"One minute your talking day and night, then the next minute you seem like your scared to say even a word." She explained. I laughed a little. "I just... I don't know. I guess my trust issues went up a little lately."

"Well, I hope you can trust me. We just met and everything, but you know if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you can come to me." She assured me. "Thanks, Liyah. That means a lot."

My mom was cooking dinner again when I got home. She never really asked where I got my car from. I guess she assumed Daddy bought it for me. Anyway, we had fried chicken and rice. Mom's food was the bomb. When it came to cooking, she could whip up something delicious in a quick five minutes. She made the best home meals. 

Quincy called again tonight. He had me weak on the phone. This boy is beyond funny. While I was talking to him, Jacques called. "Hold on, ok?"

I clicked over. Jacques wasn't talking about nothing important. He just wanted to know if I was free tommarrow. I told him I was, and he ended that conversation. He always got plans for me. When can I make plans for myself?

Today, me and Liyah went to the nail shop to get our nails done. I don't wanna seem like I'm rushing into anything or nothing, but I swear she is my bestfriend. I don't want to just say that because we been hanging out a lot, but she forreal got my back through thick and thin. Behind that pretty smile of hers, she been through hell and back... Literally. She been through so much shit, I can't even count it on both hands. I wish she was there with me way back then, before I took this nasty path to where I stand now. I honestly would have chosen her over Mia in a heartbeat. 


Picture of Aaliyah On The Side.

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