XII (12)

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A whole week has passed. I haven't gotten a letter back from Jacques or spoken to Quincy. Quincy's been ignoring all my phone calls and hasn't responded to any texts. I don't know what his deal is, but it's pissin me off. 

Walking over to Liyah's house, you would never guess who I bumped into. Mia. She was standing in front of Alexis' house, a girl from my school. I like Alexis, we just don't talk all like that. Maybe a "Hi" and "Bye" every now and again, but not really. Anyway, she had her eyes glued to me the whole time. I didn't look her way, but I could see her out the corner of my eye. 

"I can't go back to school. My reputation's too bad. All I'm trying to do is change myself..." I said to Liyah. "Girl, don't worry about them. They'll catch on soon enough." She assured me.

I shook my head. "You don't know my school then.'' My phone vibrated on the bed. A text from an unknown number read "come outside." 
I peeped out the window and saw a guy standing on the side of a sexy ass white BMW. I couldn't make out their from the distance. "Liyah, come out here with me." I said. She grabbed her phone and followed me outside. 

"Jacques?" A bright smile came across my face. He pulled me into a big hug that seemed like it lasted a second too long. I removed the hair from my face from the ind blowing. "I thought you had twelve months in there..." I said, confused.

He smiled. "Mikey bailed me out." Mikey is one of the guys who I would see standing in front of Jacques' house everyday while he was gone. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just hugged him again. I really missed his ignorant ass. 

"Can I take you somewhere?" 

"Yeah.... I guess that's cool." It's so hard not to smile right now. 

I said goodbye to Liyah and got in the car. Once he started driving, my tummy started doing flips. Not as in having butterflies and being all excited, but actually feeling like I had to throw up. The car ride was quiet. I'd glance over at him here and there, but I would say nothing. 

He pulls up in front of this really expensive looking restaurant. "Why we here?" I asked. "'Cause I'm hungry." He stated. I smiled. "You takin me on a date?" He didn't look at me. "C'mon." 

We went inside, where we were placed at a table near a window. 

Blah, Blah, Blah. We talked and talked about just about everything. I hate to say it, but I was so happy when that date was over. I needed to get home, ASAP. In the car, once again, my stomach wasn't feeling good. He walked me up to my front door. Believe me, all I wanted to do was kiss those beautiful, soft lips of his, but I just couldn't. I gave him a hug instead and ran in the house. I know he as probably like "dafuq".

 I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I threw up in the toilet. Ugh, the taste was gross. I rinsed my mouth out with some water, showered, and called Jacques. I felt bad about how out 'date' went. 

"You good?' He asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just wasn't feeling good today." 

"Want me to come make you feel better?"

I giggled slightly, "No, I'm cool. I do wanna see you again tho."

"I think I can squeeze you in my schedule somewhere."

"Not funny."

He laughed at me.

"Jacques, I hope you not still out here selling." I fussed.

He groaned. "Ima call you later." He said, and hung up the phone.

I swear he a asshole! 

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