I (1)

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I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, making sure the water was the perfect temperature before stripping and stepping in. I slowly rubbed the bar of soap across my body. I reached for my towel and wrapped it around me. I stepped out into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Walking back into my room, I felt as if I had walked outside naked in the snow. I quickly dried off and put on a bra and a pair of boy shorts.

"Hey." I spoke into the phone. Mahlik was sounding like he was still lying in bed. "How you gonna call me when you still half asleep?"

"Because, I need to hear yo voice even in my dreams."

That's the cute little stuff he says to me that makes it ten times harder for me to break up with him. Every time I purposely try to start an argument, he's always the one apologizing in the end even when I'm in the wrong. I can never win with him. For example, last night I called him cursing him out because I saw a girl tweeted him saying, "I miss you" and "I can't wait to see you". Turns out, it was his cousin who was coming to visit him and his family this weekend. Now, stupid thing is, he still apologized for my mistake. I often ask myself, "Why does he do that?". Sometimes, I don't mind it but other times, it gets annoying. It's more then obvious that he is feeling this relationship a lot more than I am. Me, personally, I'm not really interested anymore. I'm bored with it. I don't want someone who is down for anything I say or does anything out of this world just to satisfy me. I don't need that, I can take care of myself quite well. I want someone who can take control, tell me no, give me attitude, and I think I know the perfect person who can.

"Have fun with your family. I'll talk to you later." I threw the phone on the bed.

Stepping outside in this weather was highly unpredictable. Usually I have to raise up my window just to get a feel of what the outside feels like. As I was doing that, Mia called. "What you doin? I wanna take you out." She spoke loudly through the speaker phone. I shut my window and locked it.

"I'm not feeling good Mia." That was my excuse to get out of whatever she had planned. Every time we went out, something went wrong.

"I'm on my way." She said, clearly ignoring what I had just said and hung up.

I placed my phone on it's bedazzled charger, because apparently bedazzling things is the only fun part of my life, and changed into some clothes I randomly snatched out my closet. From the feel of the weather today, It was going to get a little chilly later on. Riding with Mia, I don't know what time I would be back home, so I made sure I had on a sweater and some boots.

"Hey Ma, Sup Daddy" I greeted them both as they sat down at the dining room table. Daddy was dressed up really nice like he was about to go do something really important, which I'm sure it is. Something's always important with him. And ma, she was in a tropical like orange dress with gold sandals. She looked as beautiful as always.

"I'm leaving. I'll be back later. Love you!" I say. Mia was calling and she is the most impatient person on this planet. I kissed them both goodbye and dashed out the door.

"You looking cute today." I complimented her.

"When am I not?" She laughed at her own response. I didn't say anything back. One thing I can tell you about Mia is that she is most definitely a fashion killer. She can dress her ass off. I don't think even I could rise to her level of fashion and I know I be dressin... not to sound conceited or anything.

She drove us around for a quick ten minutes, stopping in front of a ice cream shop. "Really Mia? Why are we here?" I questioned as we got out the car. "A date." She stated and walked off. I quickly sped up to her trying not to get left behind. I followed her over to a table with these two dudes already sitting there. Then, I realized it was Jacques and his 'homie'.

I grabbed Mia by the arm and pulled her aside, away from the table. "What are you thinking!? Why would you bring me here with him!" I whisper-yelled.

"Because" She drug out the word as if she was irritated. "I like his friend, and everybody knows you like Jacques." She stated and walked back to the table. I followed her and took a seat.

They carried on with their conversation as if they were the only two sitting here. I kept my eyes everywhere but on Jacques. Being in his presence makes my blood boil. "Wassup Asia." He said plainly. Even though I can't stand him, those butterflies I told you about? Yeah, there comin'.


"How yo job been treatin ya?" He joked. I didn't find his joke funny at all. He always gotta talk down on me like i'm some crack head on the street. I can't never have a heart-to-heart conversation with him no matter how hard I try.

"Fuck you Jacques!" I got up and stormed out the ice cream shop like a five year old. My intentions were to get in Mia's car sense it's so cold out, but she locked the doors. Lucky me. I sat at one of the tables outside the shop waiting for Mia to come out. I don't think she was coming anytime soon. I'm not going back inside, I don't care if I freeze to death out here, I don't want to see his face, I swear I hate him.

"Man, you know I was just playin. Why you gotta get so mad." He said nonchalantly.

"I don't find ya joke funny, Jacques." I stood up and fixed my ponytail. It was so cold out today, I had on gloves and scarf and was still shivering. Jacques stood over me at 6'1, pretty tall compared to my 5'2. When he looked away, I looked at him, admiring his perfect caramel complexion, his sexy full lips, his perfect naturally curled hair, gaaaawd. I could go on for days about him, but I would never tell him how I felt. He would probably laugh in my face and keep it pushin.

"Man, C'mere. You know ya ugly ass cold." He pulled me into a warm hug. Lord, them butterflies goin crazy now.


Picture of Mia On The Side.

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