XIV (14)

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This morning, I was at it again, throwing up in the bathroom. Jacques held my hair back as I did so. Everytime I thought I was done, more came up. Jacques rubbed my back not saying anything, just watching. Eventually, it stopped. I rinsed my mouth out with more water. Jacques had his shoes and jacket on with his keys in his hand.

"You leavin?" I asked.

"Yeah, I gotta go. Ima see you later tho, alright?" He kissed me on the forehead. It was always sad watching him walk away, but I know he'll be back. In the mean time, I need to find out what's wrong with me.

"Motheeer," I called for her though the halls. "I'm in here!" She yelled back. I found her in her bedroom, watching tv. I sat on the edge of the bed. 'I did it again." I said.

"Did what?" She questioned as she flipped through the channels. "I threw up again."

She sat up inthe bed. "Asia,"

She looked concerned. "Are you pregnant?"

"What? NO! I'm not pregnant! Why would ask something so stupid?" 

"Asia, Asia! Calm down!"

I took a deep breathe, and looked at her. "I want you to take a pregnancy test."

"Mom, I'm not taking a pregnancy test. I'm not pregnant."

She pulled a pregnancy test out of her drawer. "Just take it." She demanded. 

"Why do you have those in your drawer?' I walked in the bathroom.  After peeing on the stick, I immediately gave it back to my mom so she could read it. Even though I know I'm not pregnant, this is scary. I'm only 17. What am I going to do with a baby?

She took a look at the test. A sign of relief came upon her face which made me feel much better. "It came out negative." She said smiling. "Oh, thank god!" I said. "You had me all worried for nothing."

"But, if I'm not pregnant, why do I keep throwing up?''

"I'm sure it's just a stomach virus. C'mon, Ima take you to the doctor." She grabbed her purse and stuff and followed me out the door.

Later that night, I got a phone call from Liyah. "Asia, come quick! Their's anout three girls jumping Mia! They look like they about to beat her to a pulp!!"

"What? Uuh, Here I come."

I drove over to Liyah's house. Outside in the middle of the street, I see three girls jumping Mia just like Liyah said. She looked like she was on the verge of blacking out at any minute. For some reason, the girls ran off when I ran over there. I didn't even get a chance to see who they were. 

"Mia?" I held her in my arms. She looked terrible. I can only imagine how much pain she's in right now. Those girls brutally beat her. I wonder why? One of her eyes were blackened, her mouth and nose was bleeding serious amounts of blood, she could barely talk, her eyes were almost swollen shut, she was a hot mess.

"Liyah, call for help!" 

She dialed 911 and called for an ambulance. They arrived within ten minutes. After outting Mia on the stretcher, they told us we weren't allowed to ride in the back of the truck because we eren't old enough. 

I haven't seen Mia's parents in ages so I wouldn't go over there. They'll find out sooner than later. I helped her out, but I still don't like the bitch. I'm just that nice of a person. I would hate it if that were me and she stood there watching me suffer. 

I went over to Liyah's house and chilled there for a while...

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