XXII (22)

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"Well, why haven't I ever seen him?" I flopped down on his bed. 

"I told you Asia, I was waiting until I knew things were serious between us." He said as he laid down next to me, pulling me closer to him. He tried to kiss me, but I stopped him.

"We are serious though. Why do you keep saying that?" I sat up looking at him. 

"Sayin what? Asia, chill. You over exaggerating over nothing. It's not even that serious." He pulled me back down to him, but I pulled myself back up. 

"What? Ace, listen to yo self. It is that serious if you haven't noticed." I stood up, crossing my arms. "Why would you keep something like that away from me?" 

He didn't say anything back, like he was tuning me out or something. He grabbed the remote to the tv and started flipping through channels. "Hellloooo..." I waved my hand in the air, grabbing his attention.

"What do you want me to say man, damn! I got a girl pregnant and now I have a three year old son. Are you comprehending?" He spoke in a highly frustrated tone, followed by a highly frustrated sigh.

"Am I comprehending!? No, I'm Not Ace! Why..." I stopped myself. I took a seat on the edge of his bed, trying to collect my thoughts. As the silence grew, so did the tension in the room. 

"Why would you not tell me that in the beginning?" I calmly asked. We sat there in a silence for a minute. When he didn't respond, I gradually got up and collected my things. "Can you please take me home?"

He got up and grabbed his jacket and stuff. As we were walking out the door, a car pulled up in front of his house. I didn't ask who it was, but watched their body language towards each other. They've obviously known each other for a long period of time. 

Then... a little boy climbs out the back seat of the car. "This is not real life." I mumbled to myself. 

They made their way back up to me. I didn't speak to the little boy or Ace, instead I quickly walked over to his car and got in. I stared out the window at them. Ace was down to the little boy's level talking to him. Then, they came over to the car. Ace strapped the boy in before getting in. 

"What the hell was that all about? You not gonna speak to my son now?" He said in a hushed tone. 

What are the odds that his son coincidentally get's dropped off right after I find out that he even exists. I'm starting to feel weird. 

"Hey son." I dryly said, not acknowledging him. 

Ace's face got angrier, but he didn't say anything. He shook his head at me and drove off. When we got to my house, he didn't tell me bye or anything. I got out and slammed his door. 

When I got up to my room, I placed my phone on the charger and turned it off. I don't feel like dealing with anyone right now, today, or forever... i don't care. He just made my trust issues go through the roof. 

I'm not even mad, more-so shocked. Shocked because I would have never guessed he had a child, and I would have never thought he would keep a secret like that for so long. 

I probably shouldn't have played the mean card with his child on the other hand. That was pretty selfish and unclassy of me to do. He's not even the one to blame. 

Ugh, here I go over thinking again. 

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