Ch 9: Don't Get Lost In The Memories

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Hayley William's POV

The rays of the late morning sun finally reached my brain to send signals throughout my body to awaken.

I squirmed a bit before I opened my eyes to embrace the harsh light that burst through my windows. Now, I always wake up looking hideous --puffy bags, morning breath, some missed make up that was now smeared on my face-- but when seeing Chad, gleaming at me awakening while quietly getting dressed to start the day, made me feel like I didn't look that bad. Just a teensy bit beautiful.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty." Chad smirked.

"No way what time is it?" I yawned.

"Barely going to be 1."

"Oh so it's barely the morning?"

Chad let out a chuckle. "Yeah. In RST."


"Rockstar Standard Time." he playfully answered, feeling proud of his little joke.

I smiled and shook my head. "You know, I can stay in bed all day now and not feel bad about it."

"Nope. In two years honey, then you can."

"But Christi is so independent now. At least should be. At her age, I was rocking the Shira Girl stage at Warped Tour!"

"Well, the only thing she is rocking is Taylor's recommendations on that stereo. Not even rocking it-- falling asleep to it." Chad replied.

"At least Taylor is giving her good music to listen to. Like why hasn't he shown me these bands?" I said, sitting up against the headboard.

"What she up to anyways?" I added.

"Homework, I think." Chad answered as he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Good girl. I'm surprised that for two parents who didn't finish school--"

"Hey we finished school!" Chad said through a mouthfull of foamy toothpaste.

"For two parents who barely finished school and threw edumacation out the window, she is doing surprisingly well!"

Chad nodded and spit out his toothpaste, and continued to rinse his mouth.

"But it kinda sucks that she can't go to us for help. We forgot how to math." I added with a little chuckle.

"Well if I ever need to write an essay on the physiological effects of headbanging, I can find an anecdotal source of whiplash." said a rich voice that came from the entrance of our room.

I turned to the sound and saw Christi smiling at me and making her way to where I was. She embraced me in a tight hug, and I squeezed her for a longer time than neccessary.

"Missed you, mom." she said.

"Aww I missed you too baby." I replied, my voice cracking a bit.

Christi looked so much like me, but I argued that all I saw was her father. She had brown hair like Chad's, and had the same small mouth and skin tone. Yet she had my eyes, nose, and facial structure. She had a similar figure as mine. When it came to style, she took after a blend of 22 year old me. She was definitely a little more fashionable with this sort of rocker twist. However, she wasn't at all expiremental with her hair color and style, and preferred to keep it simple. She rarely wore make up, in part she didn't need it. Her face was beautiful as it was.

Although I believe, her personality made her radiate even more. She was an extremely bright girl, but not in a pretentious way. She had an unique and wordly perspective, which wasn't so bad but it led her to doubt any basis of an "official" cosmo being, since so many claim to exist throughout history. As both Chad and I being devout Christians, it was quite difficult to handle at times. But then again, Chad and I are worldwide musicians who have encountered many people who believe in different gods. That made it easier to understand.

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