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Me and Max talked and watched a few new movies.

Later, at around four, Aidan brought Kyle and Kyra home. Kyra needed her nap before dinner and Kyle was getting bored and wanted to play with his new toys.

James and Jack didn't get back until half five or so. They started making dinner.

Max had to go home for his own dinner but he said that he'll be back later.

I sat down and ate dinner. We had fried chicken and chips. Not the healthiest food ever but I didn't care. I was starving.

Aidan passed me a few blood tablets. I plopped them into my water and watched it turn blood red. I drank it.

Later, when I just finished eating, Max rang the doorbell.

"I'll get it." I announced, getting up. I ran to the door. "Hi Max."

"Hey." Max said.

We walked back into the living room and watched the end of the film. I had asked earlier could we do watch the end of it and James had said "Fire ahead."


I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, Max had his arms around me. I  blushed but I didn't care. I looked at Max. He was fast asleep.

Aww. He looks so cute when he's asleep.

I gently moved one of Max's arms but as I did, he moved slightly and woke up.

"Alecxis?" Max asked sleepily.

"Hey Max." I smiled at him.

He looked around the room. When he realized that his arms were around me, he blushed. 

"Uh.. Sorry." he took his arms away, reluctantly.

We sat there for a while, saying nothing. Then I broke the awkward silence by getting up.

"Max, do you want some breakfast?" I asked, helping him up.


We ate some eggs and bacon. I didn't hear anyone else so I assumed that everyone was still asleep, even though it was nearly twelve.

"Sorry about... You know?" Max stuttered.

"It's fine. I.." I trailed off. I was unsure of what to say. Me and Max have known each other since we were two! And I have never felt uneasy around him. Until recently, that is.

"You what?"

"Oh. It's nothing." I turned away and pretended to answer a text. In reality, I was blushing.

WHY AM I BLUSHING SO MUCH?!? Do I...? Like Max?? Oh god... I felt weird.

"Alecxis, I want to tell you something." Max's voice pulled me back into reality.

"Yeah. Uh. What is it?" I asked.

"Well... I want to tell you that I-" Max was cut off by a loud crash, which was followed by angry whispers.

I got up and turned invisible. I walked to the closed door and phased through it. Then, after I confirmed what had happened, I turned visible again.

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