School Bullies

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I hate school bullies. Well, ANY kind of bully. What about you?

We entered Magic Academy.

"Nothing has changed..." I muttered.

"What was that?" Aidan asked sarcastically.

"Nothing. Anyway, you'd better go, Aidan." I said, not wanting to go have an argument with Aidan.

"Where's he going?" Max asked as Aidan left.

"His advanced classes." I answered. 

We headed to our first class. It was a standard class, Magic Overview. It just tells you what to do and what not to do, listen, try your best and more rules. It's a class but a very boring one. It's like an English class.


"Ugh! I still can't believe that my teacher gave me a B minus in my running race! I mean, come on! I got first yet I get a B minus!" I whined. 

"It's not THAT bad, is it?" Max asked.

"Well, I guess not but one of the other boys, he got third place yet he got an A plus." I replied. "uh oh.." I said, pulling my navy hood up cover my face.

"What's up?" Max questioned, seeing me do this.

I pointed o a group of boys, around our age. 

"That's one of the groups who pick on people who either are weak or have a weird magic. And the leader, Buster, he really pisses me off." I explained, lowering my head as we walked passed them.

We nearly got away but then Buster grabbed my arm.

"Look who it is, the 'Ice Princess'." he teased meanly. His grip tightened.

"Let go of her." Max commanded.

If you're asking 'Why don't you just use your magic?!' Well, I can't. It's because of my Magic Power Enhancers/Reducers.

"Why should I?" Buster threatened as two other boys pushed Max to the ground, hard.

"Max!" I shouted, struggling against Buster's grip.

"Oh no you don't." he twisted my arm.

"Let go of me." I said in a strict voice.

"Ha! And what if I don't?" Buster asked.

Max tried to get up but the two boys pushed him back down.

"I said, let go!" I yelled. Ice ran along Buster's arm, freezing it. I pulled away, grabbed Max's hand and ran. But we were surrounded.

"Get out of my way." I growled.

Before anyone could answer, my Ice Magic froze the ground. It raced towards the bullies.

"Let's go." I told Max as I pushed past the bullies. Max followed.

We got home. 

"What happened back there?" Max asked.

"Buster and his friends. They had picked on me a few years ago because of my title, before we left." I explained, sitting down and rubbing my arm. There was a faint marking from when Buster tightened his grip.

"Why didn't you tell me or one of the teachers? Or James?" Max sat beside me.

"Because, I could put up with them. Besides, I was already on bed terms with a lot of my teachers."

"How come?" 

"Well... Let's just say that being who I am meant I was taken out of class a lot..." I told him. Max and I may have been in Magic Academy at the same time, but we weren't in the same classes.

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