Dimension Hopping {2}

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Tokyo Ghoul

I went to Tokyo, Eleventh Earth.

I opened my backpack, which I had taken from Slendy's mansion. I had my mask in there along with my none bloody clothes.

I headed to the twentieth ward.

On the way, I got hungry so I trapped two people in an alleyway and pierced them through the stomach using my Rinkaku kagune. I tore off an arm and bite hard into it.

After my meal, I tossed the corpses into a dust bin.

That was good. Certainly filled me up.

As I walked through the twentieth ward at night, I decided to see if I could find either Ayato, Kaneki or maybe even Touka.

I was wandering around, unsure of where to go. I must have stumbled upon a ghoul's feeding ground because I got attacked. I summoned my kagune which was a Rinkaku Kakuja meaning I had two since I had, previously, cannibalized other ghouls.

My kagune was like four tails and a pair of wings.

I used my tails, Rinkaku, and hit the ghoul to the side. I then jumped on him/her and bite hard into their shoulder.

Before I got much blood, he/she knocked me off.

"Would you stop that, idiot?!" came a voice. The figure got up.

"Aya-Ayato?" I stuttered.

Ayato was a friend of mine. In Tokyo Ghoul of course. He was also my best friend's brother.

"Who else do you fucking think I am?" he cursed.

"Sorry." I walked over to him, retracting my kagune. "By the way, that's your own fault." I told him, pointing at his bleeding shoulder.

He didn't reply by talking but he did grab my arm, very roughly, and made me follow him.

"Hey! You can't just do that!" I tried to pull my hand free but him being a more experienced ghoul than me, which meant, he was stronger than me here. Since my arm was already stinging from that cut that I had received from Jane, and the fact that Ayato was pulling the same arm, I couldn't do much. If I tried, it'd just hurt me.

"Stop squirming, Alecxis." Ayato said firmly.

"At least tell me where the hell we're going." I demanded.

"Where do you think?" he replied flatly.

Oh god. We're going to Aogiri Tree...


I wasn't looking forward to going back there but I didn't mind so much that I'd try and kill Ayato. I admit, I like Ayato as a friend. He's not the bestest friend but having him around can be interesting. {NOT THAT WAY!!}

"Is Eto and Tatara here?" I asked nervously.

"How am I supposed to know?" he answered coldly.

"Jeez, you're just as chatty as I remember, Ayato Kirishima." I responded.

"Watch it Alecxis. Your brother isn't here to save you, so I'd advise you to. Keep. You. Mouth. Shut."

Wow... Last time I was here, we were ok. We'd been on a few missions and stuff but what has happened since I left?!

I was about to ask a question when Ayato kicked me in the stomach. Isn't he friendly?

Anyway, I have no idea what has happened since the last time I was here. I mean, it's only been about three months. Time flows different here so..

Why is Ayato being so nasty?
Is he becoming his old self again?
Why did I bother coming back?
As soon as I can, I'm leaving. And going home.
Well, maybe not...
Ugh! I don't know!!!!!

My head was full of thoughts, good ones, bad ones, responsible ones and irresponsible ones.

We finally got to Aogiri Tree H.Q. I was left in a room like my old one. Four stone walls, a bed in the corner, a door that is always locked when you're inside, and a stool.

I dumped my bag on the stool and began to rummage through it.

Where is it... .... .... There!

I found my katana. I had brought it from Slenderman's Mansion. There was a sink in the other corner so I went to it, with my katana. I turned the water on and cleaned my sword. The blood was dry so it was hard enough to clean without magic or soap.

I practiced with it for a while. I had nothing else to do so I soon got bored.

It was about five when Ayato came back. He handed me a parcel. I knew what it was.

It was about five when Ayato came back. He handed me a parcel. I knew what it was.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked in an irritated tone.

"I'm waiting for you to leave. You know I don't like people watching me eat." I replied in an equally irritated tone.

When he left, I opened the parcel. Inside was a severed limp. It was fresh. I bite into it, draining the blood and trying the flesh though I spat that out. Normal ghouls can't eat human food except for coffee but I can eat human food and I hate flesh yet I love blood. Don't ask. I'm weird.

I was bored after eating/drinking. I did have a book but I couldn't bring myself to read it.

"I'm going to leave. I don't care. Ayato can give out to me like hell when I come back but I need to get home." I told myself.

Making sure that Ayato was not looking, I summoned my kagune and burst through the walls. I had to be quick as Aogiri Tree was full of ghouls. I managed to get away.

"Why is this so hard?" I asked myself. "Whatever." I carried on, going towards a safe point. On my way, I met someone.


"Huh?" she turned around.

"Hi." I greeted shyly. "Long time no see!"


"That's me. Anyway how come your in the Twentieth Ward?" I asked.

"Aogiri Tree. Where you going?" she asked, turning to me.

"Leaving. Ayato rudely dragged me to Aogiri Tree H.Q. Anyway, I'd better go. Nice seeing you around, Reily!" I replied.

"Don't call me that when I'm out hunting." she hissed.

"Sorry! Bye, Steampunk!" and with that, I left.

I ran to where I'd met Ayato when I first came here today. I opened a portal and jumped through, making sure I closed it after.

Sorry bre_bre_lol if I spelled your Ghoul alias wrong...
BTW, I always have twists and changes in these kind of things. Please don't hate me for changing things from other anime.

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