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We were running to the portal rooms, though we had to keep battling to get there.

"Ready to go?" Max asked.

"Be careful. Ok let's go!" We jumped through the portal hate to Magic Academy.

We ran past everyone. No one seemed to take notice.

This is good. Now all we have to do is-

"MAX!" I shouted as a red lightning bolt hit the ground beside me.

"What the heck?!" he asked, confused.

"That's exactly what I was about to ask you!" I exclaimed.

"That wasn't me! I swear!"

"But- Whatever! Let's get to the principle's office." I said.


We ran into the school and went straight to the principle's office.

*Knock knock*

"Come in!" the principle called.

"Excuse me, principle, but we have something to ask of you..." I went into an episode of explaining.

Both myself and Max knew that this was the real principle.

"Well.. That's interesting." she told us.

"We are asking for you to put up the school defenses." I said.

"Yes. I'll get the barriers up in a second. Meanwhile, go and alert the teachers."

That's what we did. On our way we met some people..

"Hi!" I heard someone shut at us.

I turned around.

"Oh, hey Ash! Hi Moeka. Hello Summer." I greeted. Max stayed quiet for some reason.

"Why are you guys doing here? We haven't seen you at the academy for so long..." Moeka's voice trailed off.

I glanced around.

No one..

"Come with us." I commanded, taking hold of Moeka and Ash. I didn't have a third arm so I assumed that Summer would followed.

"Hey!" Ash struggled.

"Please stop." I said. "We need to tell you guys something important." I told them. They followed.

We went to a quiet place.

"Ok. So, here's what's going on..." I explained once again. I noted that Max wasn't saying much, except for correcting me. When I finished, I let the others think about it. I took Max's hand and led him somewhere else nearby.

"Why are we here?" Max asked. I knew it was the real Max. I felt it and smelt it. {AGAIN! NOT IN A CREEPY WAY!}

"What's wrong? Why aren't you talking much?" I asked in a soft voice.

"I- I guess I'm just worried about.. You know?.." Max said quietly. Hes never acted like this before so I was worried.

"It'll be ok. Th academy has labs and stuff so we can do our share and help get rid of these creatures." I assured my boyfriend. I gave him a light kiss on the lips just before Moeka poked her head around the corner.

"Hey, are you guys done talking?" she asked, trying to be polite.

"Yeah. Sorry. C'mon." I said, taking Max's hand yet again.

We talked about what to do, this time Max joined in.

"Ok. Why don't we go back to your guys' base?" Summer questioned.

"We can't. It's already been taken over." Max explained.

"Oh..." Summer said.

"It doesn't matter." I assured them. "As long as we can figure out what the hell is going on, we can get back our friends and family." I reasoned.

Inside, I was dreading facing off against these creatures. I was worried about my family, Max's family and everyone. It seemed that these things can take the powers of whoever or whatever they take the form of. Like Ash just way more aggressive.

I'm saying this because that 'boy'. He was a shapeshifter yet he bit through my flesh like a ghoul. Obviously, they can't be too strong on their own, but an army of creatures?! No way!

"Earth to Alecxis?!" Ash was waving her hand in my face.

"Stop. That." I said.

"Sorry, you weren't answering." Ash told me.

"What is it?" I wanted to get to researching.

"Nothing." Moeka replied.

"Ok..." I wasn't sure what they had asked.

"Me and Alecxis need to do some stuff. Cya around!" Max grabbed my hand and we went towards the rooftop of the academy.


The defenses are set up finally! I sat down on the ground, exhausted from setting up defenses and enchantments and what not.

"That was tiring." Max stated, sitting beside me.

"Yeah. That's for sure." myself and Max hadn't talked much while doing so.

"Alecxis, I'm sorry that I haven't really been talking to you much... It's just now that all this has happened, I can't help but worry. Not just about our families but I'm worried about you." Max looked into my eyes.

"Max, it's fine. I understand. I'm worried about you too." we kissed passionately for the first time in ages. We pulled away.

I placed my head against Max's chest. 

I miss the times when we DIDN'T have to deal with apocalypses and unknown shapeshifters.



"Do you think we'll make it out alive?" I asked in a small voice.

Max sat up straight, keeping his hand around my waist. He stared deep into my eyes.

"Why would you ask that? Of course we will. I'll make sure that no one hurts you. Or anyone else." he promised.


We sat there for a while longer before deciding to go and see what's happening. The principle has decided to keep the students in the school and dorm rooms. She has contacted the real parents of each individual student and has shut down all the portals. Earlier, I had slipped away and made sure that the portals in H.Q. were shut down and inactive. We can't let these things find their way to other dimensions.


It was night time once again and myself and Max were sharing a dorm room. Usually, in the dorms, girls and boys weren't allowed mix but since the next few days will be hard to get by, we have been allowed mix if we wanted.

Of course, the only people who bother sharing with the opposite gender were those who were siblings. In one dorm room, you fit four people in total but it can be extended if need be.

Our room was separate from the student's dorms as we were higher ranks. I had said that a normal dorm will be fine but of course, the principle said no. 

"Orders from the School Master." she had said to us.

I couldn't argue with the School Master so I gave in. Max seemed totally fine with it.

I lay on the king sized bed, staring up at the ceiling. Thoughts race through my mind, good and bad. I saw pictures of things. I wondered if some were like a future thing because some pictures showed things from my past.

Max was already asleep. I tried to get to sleep myself, but I couldn't. Something was stopping me. I finally gave up and teleported out of the bed. Max moved around a bit but didn't wake up. I let out my breath.

I sat down at the desk and took out my holotome and holographic computer from my pocket dimension. I used both to try and find information on all types of shapeshifters. 

I found some articles from records and notes but nothing that is helpful. Then I found one that caught my eye.

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