The Confession

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I was lead into Lab Ten. The scientist indicated to the seat so I sat down.

"Hold your arm out." he commanded. I did as I was told.

Currently, I was at H.Q. getting blood tests done. Kyra and Kyle are with James in Lab Six. 

"Ow." I nearly pulled my arm away from the needle as it broke through my skin. The needles H.Q. use are different to normal needles. They take more/give more of whatever is being taken/given. 

I have been taking tests, using these needles, for all my life yet I still recoil in pain. And I'm nearly sixteen.

I rubbed my arm where the needle had entered. I healed it up immediately.

"Here." the scientist gave me a wet towel. I used it to wipe the blood of my arm.


I was sitting in the car, waiting for Kyle and Kyra to stop crying. If the needles hurt me, a nearly sixteen year old, then it definitely hurts a four year old and a two year old.

After about ten minutes of waiting and an ice cream, they stopped. James began the car's engine and off we went. I texted Max.

Alecxis: Hi Max. Just back from some blood tests. You still have to tell me what you wanted to say earlier on. Shall we talk while we walk?

Max: Yeah. Sure. I'll meet u at ur house in 15.

I grinned as I wondered what Max wanted to tell me. James was stopping the car for a second.  He looked at my texts. He teased me all the way home. 

When we finally got home, before James could get Kyle or Kyra out, I elbowed him hard in the chest.

"That's for teasing me." I told him triumphantly.


Me and Max were out on our walk.

"Alecxis, about what I wanted to say to you.. " Max began.

"What is it?" I asked, stopping at the park bench. We sat down before Max told me.

"Well... I don't know what you'll say to this but.. Here it goes. Alecxis I love you." Max blushed. 

I laughed. But not because of him telling me his feelings, because of the fact that his face was as red as a tomato! I quickly told him why I'd laughed. Then he laughed too.

-Max's P.O.V.-

"Max, that's so sweet of you. I love you too!" Alecxis hugged me. Hard.

I sat there for a second, shocked. Then I hugged her back.

"Alecxis, another question," I started.

"What is it?" she questioned, sitting back up.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked quickly. For a second, nothing happened. Then Alecxis hugged me again and muttered a 'yes'

-Alecxis' P.O.V.-

"Of course I will be your girlfriend Max!" I said, my voice muffled by the fact that my face was buried in Max's chest. He was at least a head taller than me.

I pulled away. Max leaned forward and kissed me. I was shocked myself then kissed back. I felt my cheeks go on fire with embarrassment but I completely ignored it.

We both sat back. The sun was setting and we had a beautiful view of the park.



"I though you'd never ask." I told him, pulling him into another hug.

We stayed there for a while until five minutes later, Max's mom texted. So, we got up and walked home. We said our goodbyes.

I went into my house, grinning to myself. I was so happy. Now I knew how Max felt about me and I now knew that there was no need to be embarrassed whenever we were along together.

"Someone's very happy." Aidan said.

"So, what happened, sis?" Jack asked.

All three of my brother looked at me, waiting for the answer to that, as they are very nosy. 

I took a deep breathe. "Max asked me to be his girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

"And what did you say?" Aidan questioned. James elbowed him playfully in the ribs.

"She said yes. You dimwit." he told Aidan. Then James turned back to me. "You did say yes, didn't you?"he asked.

"Of course I did." I replied calmly. 

Before I could register what happened, all of my older brothers cheered. I told them to shut up, but when do they ever listen to me?

Kyle and Kyra came in to see what was going on.

I picked up Kyra and whispered to her, "All of your brothers are insane."

Sorry this chapter was shorted, by far, then normal. It's just I thought that the love confession should have it's own full chapter to itself. What do you think? Do Alecxis and Max make a good couple? If so, what is their ship name? {I got this from some friends who love to ship.}

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