Dimension Hopping {3}

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Fairy Tail

I managed to not land on my butt again. When I looked up, I realised I wasn't home. I was in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall!

"Hey Alecxis! What are you doing here?" I heard a girl's voice. I turned around and saw Lucy and Wendy approaching me.

"Oh hey guys. Umm, I need to go." I said hastily.

"Aww why?" Wendy asked.

"Eh.. Job." I lied.

Why?!?! I've got to stop this lying when I get home!

"Oh. Well, alright. Before you go, can you try to stop Gray from...?" Lucy questioned.

"He's still doing it? Oh what am I saying! Of course he is. Anyway, I'll try." I answered, walking into the guild hall.

Gray and Natsu were, as usual, fighting, Mira-Jane was at the bar serving Cana, Gajeel was 'trying' to sing, Alzack and Bisca were..... Yeah anyway, life seemed to be normal in the Fairy Tail guild.

"GRAY! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!" I yelled at him.

"Wha?" he looked down. "Gah!" Gray grabbed his discarded top and trousers. He still, thank god, had his boxers on.

I faced-palmed myself.

"Never learns..." I muttered.

"Hi Alecxis!" Mira called from the bar.

"Hey!" I shouted back.

I noticed that Erza was with Asuka. She was watching Asuka eat a small strawberry cake. Erza looked as if she was being tortured.

"..." was all I said, not that I said anything.

I walked past and saw Laxus with Evergreen, Bickslow and, of course, Freed.

I shook my head.

You need to get home! I shouted in my head.

I ignored that and headed to Fairy Hills.

I met Juvia on the way. She had, in her hands, a small plush toy of Gray. No surprise there. I said hi and continued to walk.

I decided to go and have a look around the other guilds. I could do this because  a day here in Earthland equals a minute in my home world.

I did miss my family and Max badly but I'll be seeing them a lot for the next few weeks or even months after my little 'dimension hopping episode'.

I went towards where the Lamia Scale guild was.

"I wonder will Lyon and then be there..." I wanted to say hello as I haven't seen them in ages.


"Hello?" I walked into the guild hall of Lamia Scale.

No ones here...

Since what happens in other guilds are none of my business, I left.

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