Chapter 1: T.J.

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I groaned in pain as I woke up and pain shot through my chest. I sat up and tried to brush my hair out of my face, but my wrists were shackled together, making using my hands nearly impossible. I sucked in a breath and tried to stand up. It took me five tries to get up but when I did, I nearly fell as my legs were a little numb. The only light in the room was a small window and I glanced out of it. A Draculoid approached the door and opened it, grabbing me. He undid my shackles and waited, watching me closely, which was unusual for a Drac.



My eyes widened as my brother took off the stupid mask.

“Listen, try to distract Korse long enough for me and Desert to knock out some Dracs and release the others,” he said and I nodded.

He smiled and placed his mask back on.

“Act like you’re scared,” Oscar whispered and I nodded.

I wrapped my arms around me and Oscar grasped my upper arm. He lead me to an open lobby, with Draculoids standing in front of every window, holding ray guns. I glanced around and saw the Killjoys shackled to pillars. Kobra and Jet glanced up at me. Kobra’s eyes met mine and I smiled a very small smile, turning away.

“I’m really starting to like Blondie,” said Roxy and my jaw clenched tightly.

Roxy stepped out from behind Poison and smirked at me.

“He is really hot when he’s either angry or annoyed.”

“You don’t even know the half of it,” I mumbled.

An idea struck me and I glanced at Oscar, who nodded. It was the only one I could think of and I really wanted to fix things up with my family.

“You know what?” I said and turned to face the Killjoys, putting on my best I-am-going-to-kill-you face. “I would prefer to chill with the Dracs than you guys. I mean, for one, they don’t just wait for the other to attack.”

I caught Jets’ eye and winked. He smiled slightly and nodded.

“What?” he shouted, playing along. “But we’re your family.”

I shrugged and heard clapping. Korse stepped out from behind Ghoul and smiled at me.

“Finally,” he said, “she is starting to see that she is better off on our side.”

I smiled my crooked smile and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Shoot our problem and we will celebrate,” ordered Korse and I chewed my lip to stop from laughing.

Jesse appeared from behind Toxic Tattoo and Show Pony, staring at me. Ghoul glared at the former killjoy and I clenched my jaw. How could I be related to someone like him?

“She is laughing,” he stated and Korse grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“Why are you laughing?” he asked and I jerked away from him.

“To kill them, you’ll have to kill me,” I said and saw Oscar waving his arms on one of the upper balconies.

I circled around Korse and stood in front of Kobra.

“Draculoids,” Korse snapped and I smiled, “kill these seven killjoys and you will live in peace.”

I started laughing at Korse and nearly started crying from laughing so hard.

“Don’t you mean nine Killjoys?” I said and Korse shook his head.

“I only see seven,” he said and I snorted.

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