Chapter 2: Mikey

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“Run,” shouted Ghoul and we ran for our lives, the three little girls as well.

Once outside, I turned to Gerard and smiled. He laughed and hugged me. I pulled away and saw Ray hugging Krista and Oscar. Jamia, Frank, Cherry and Lilly were all hugging. I turned my head and saw my brother hugging Lyn-Z and Bandit. Glancing around, I couldn’t find T.J.

“Wait,” I said. “Where’s T.J?”

I heard a scream and turned around to find T.J, with her back to us, still inside BL/ind. I started running for her but hands grabbed me, holding me back.

“Mikey don’t, its suicide,” Ray said and I shook my head, getting one arm free and shoved Ray off.

I started running again but the look on T.J’s face told me to stop. Our eye’s met briefly and she smiled but I couldn’t smile back. The window grew really smoky and T.J. vanished.

“One,” said a female computer voice.

“NO,” I screamed and watched as the building exploded, with T.J still in it.

I fell to my knees and cried. T.J. was gone and there was no bringing her back. Arms wrapped around my shoulders and I cried into whoever was holding me.

“Daddy, what wrong with Uncle Mikey?” Bandit asked.

“T.J. was an awesome girl, B,” Gerard replied.

“What do you mean?” Bandit asked. “She can’t have gone away. She was just in there.”

“T.J. has moved on,” Gerard said. “Do you remember the stories I told you about? How when people pass, they go to somewhere better? That’s what’s happen to T.J.”

Hearing that only made me cry harder and Gerard tightened his grip on me.

“I’m sorry Mikey,” he said and I shook my head.

“I never even told her I loved her,” I whispered.

“Oh Mikes,” he said, softly and I got up, turning on my heels.

“Leave him, Frank,” I heard Gee say.


“Frankie please,” Jamia said and I felt them watching me.

I shook my head and began running, holding onto the tears that threatened to escape. I don’t know how long I ran for but I didn’t stop for ages. When I did, I sat down under a tree and looked up, at the sky. T.J. reminded me of a song we wrote. Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back. She did just that and now look at what’s happened. She’s gone and I didn’t even try to stop her. How could I have been so stupid? Sighing I leaned back and closed my eyes, letting the tears spill. T.J. had turned my world upside down the moment I met her, she was strong both mentally and physically, she was able to fix anything that was wrong, she found her place in the world and now all of that is gone. I must have fallen asleep because everything had a dreamy feel to it.

“Mikey,” breathed a ghostly voice and I jumped up, glancing around. “Mikey.”

I turned my head and was face-to-face with a ghost. T.J’s ghost. My mouth fell open and I stared her. She giggled at me and pressed her fingers under my chin, closing my mouth.

“You’ll catch flies buy leaving your mouth open,” she giggled and I shook my head.

“How?” I asked and she shrugged.

“Go back and find me,” she said and vanished.

I woke up and glanced around. I still at the tree and my back ached. Getting up I stretched and, walking back to the building, I stayed hidden just in case anybody who survived was at the site. No one was there and I sighed in relief. Staring at the building, I crouched down beside the rubble and swept my eyes around slowly, watching for any sign of movement. Something sparkled and I dashed over to it. A manhole? In the middle of a lobby? As weird as it sounds, I thought T.J. could have escaped in there. It was mostly covered in rubble but I thought I heard a voice coming from the inside.

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