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Bob sighed as some of the more educated Dracs pulled Korses’ body into the surgery room and stared down at him.

“Sir?” one of the Dracs asked.

“Just do it,” he hissed and the Drac nodded, injecting a blue liquid into Korses’ blood stream.

Korse twitched a little and his hands clenched into fists. His eyes opened and his breathing returned to normal. Bob glared down at him and growled.

“You failed me yet again, Korse,” he spat.

“I am truly sorry sir,” he said and Bob huffed.

“At least we have one Killjoy specimen,” he sniffed and a couple of the field Dracs brought the body of the one they call Kobra Kid or as Party Poison shouted out, Mikey.

“What are you going to do with him, Sir?” Korse asked and Bob glared at him.

“What you failed to do,” he hissed. “Draculoid 38372, bring me the Transformation drug.”

The Drac nodded and handed him a syringe with a mixture of purple and blue liquid in it. The other Dracs lifted Kobra Kids’ body onto the spare bed and Bob stuck the needle into the stupid Killjoys arm, injecting the drug into him. The Killjoy jerked and thrashed around. His eyes and mouth fell open. He shrieked as the drug coursed through his body. Kobra Kid fell back to the table limply and Bob smiled. He watched as the other mans’ eyes opened slowly and glance around the room.

“Where am I and who are you?” he mumbled. “Who am I?”

“My name is Bob but I am known as The Boss and you are in Battery City,” Bob answered. “Your name is Draculoid 574826 and you are a field Draculoid.”

Draculoid 574826 frowned and nodded slowly. The Boss placed a hand on his arm and the newly born Draculoid stared up at him.

“You need to rest. Tomorrow, you start your training.”

 The Drac nodded and The Boss left, followed by Korse and the other Dracs. Once out of ear shot, The Boss turned to Korse and slammed him into a wall.

“That is how it’s done,” he hissed and Korse nodded.

The Boss let Korse go and walked off, leaving Korse. The man thought over all the times he had tried to do what The Boss want and most of the times, he thought he had done it right but The Boss just threw it back into his face. Korse started at The Boss’ back and gasped. He knew what he needed to do and he knew who he needed. The Killjoys. Korse chewed his lower lip and pushed himself off the wall, heading for the Vehicle Compartment. He swiped his card and entered the building, grabbing a set of keys. Korse walked up to one of the motorbikes and mounted it, pushing the key into the  key into the ignition. The bike roared to life and Korse drove out of the building, heading to the desert to search for the Killjoys. Hopefully they would help him, but Korse knew it would take more than begging to get them to help him. He had to act like he was defecting to the ‘Good Side’ and he knew it was dangerous but he had to bring the Fabulous Killjoys to an end.

If this turns out right, then I’ll be back in his good books, he thought and sped up, following the fresh car tyre tracks. You better watch your backs, you stupid Killjoys. Korse is gonna get ya.

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