1: Regret

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Rory's POV:
I sat on the campaign bus, wishing I could be any where but here. I can hear the constant bickering of the others about who gets to write what story. It's been 2 days and already this isn't what I hoped it would be.

For weeks I planned and prepared for this moment to get to be on the road writing, but now I can't seem to remember why I'm here. All I can think about is Logan. My Logan.

The stupid moment where he poured his heart out to me and I just rejected him. I'm so stupid. Logan must hate me, no wonder he hasn't answered any of my calls. Grandma and Grandpa are furious with me for rejecting a Huntzberger. The only one who's not mad at me is mom. She's has always supported my stupid discussions.

But now I'm alone. Mom got back with Luke, and my grandparents hate me. Lane's taking care of her boys, Paris is off with Doyle, and Logan's gone. And it's all my fault!

"Gilmore!" Sophia my colleague snapped rudely, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked around to see the bus was empty, meaning we made it to another location. Ugh how I want to go home and hang out with my mom and eat Chinese food. 

"Yes." I said straighten myself out.
"We're having a group meeting tonight, to discuss our writing pieces. It's at 7 at a restaurant near by. You better be there. And whats with you? You've been all spacey lately. And I can tell you the boss ain't happy about it."

Ugh I just want to grab my stuff and leave, but I know I would be screwing up for a second time.

"Okay. Got it. I'm fine. Thanks for letting me know." I said putting on a fake smile. I grabbed my bag and followed Sophia off the bus.
Logan's POV:
I sat up on a couch I only hoped was mine, surrounded by beer bottles some full but most empty. Ugh what happened? I couldn't see clearly and my head was spinning. I'm nauseous and can't seem to understand what happened.

"Oh mate your awake. Are u alright?" Someone who I think is Finn says walking over to me. I feel really sick, like I'm going to pass out.

"No I feel really bad. What ha-happened?" I managed to get out, clutching my stomach. Finn looked at me with a worried look.

"Well um I'm not sure. I can guess you were thinking about R- and drank. A lot and I found you sleeping on the couch. Mate I think we should get you to a hospital you look real bad." He said watching me closely.

"No. I'll be alright." I said standing up but immediately regretting it. A wave of dizziness hit me and I feel to the ground. Blacking out as I hit the ground.

"Why Ace?" Was the last thing I said before blacking out.
Hey so hoped you liked the first part. I know it's short but they'll get longer. Cliff hanger, what happened to Logan??
I really love Gilmore Girls and hope to satisfy all of our questions about the ending of the show.
Also Finn- Tanc Sade followed me on Twitter!! I literally cried. But my fav is still Matt Czuchry- Logan!!
Anyway calming down my inner fangirl!! Please like, comment, follow.

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