15: Thats A Wrap

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**=Time Jump

5 Years Later

"Darling have you read the front page of the Stars Hollow Gazette?" Finn said as he joined me on the couch as I moved my laptop to the other side of me. He passed me the paper as my eyes lit up. Yes, it's not the New York Times but it still means the world that my towns newspaper was acknowledging me. "'Bright, young townie Rory Gilmore to publish her first book all about her life story around our very own charming Stars Hollow.' This article is all praise to you!"

"Wow this is amazing." I just read the article over a few times taking it all in.

How about we rewind a bit so we're all caught up. The last 5 years has been eventful to say the least. The relationship with Finn and I has been glowing. We've honestly grown our relationship slowly and with care. These years have flown by and I couldn't have wanted anyone else by my side. He's extremely supportive of me, but he knows when to get me out of my head when I start to overthink.

We have fun which is thanks to him since he's more of the spontaneous one. There is definitely a balance between us. I'm more serious so I can get him grounded and focused when needed. But it's all about balance.

On a different note, my book was completed like a year ago. It's taken a year to get it out there and published finally. Our publishing party was happening tomorrow actually in that same cafe that Finn and I had one of our first dates all those years ago. This book is like my dream and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

Now back to today. Finn was helping me put the final touches and details together for the party. I already invited the family, all the local residents of Stars Hollow, some old friends from Yale. Logan was going to be coming with his new girlfriend, we stayed in touch after everything happened. It makes me happy that we both moved on and our in good places.

The cafe is assisting us with the party since they will be catering and kind of hosting this along side me. I was thrilled that my book would soon be on their shelves.

I grabbed Finn up off the couch to meet my face. "Thank you so much for encouraging me to finish this book Finn." He gave me a light kiss, sparking a large smile.

"Thank you for give me a chance, and allowing us to have a happy ending. I'm glad that I never gave up hope for us. And I'll never give up Ace."


"Wow kid, this looks amazing." Mom said as her and Luke walked into the cafe. Finn and I had gotten here early this morning to set everything up. Each table had a cute arrangement with my book displayed. She hugged me before going to find a table.

Everyone began to pour in one after another. Lane and the kids made it, followed by Paris and her two kids. All the kids ran to play together as us girls caught up. Luckily for me, everyone in my life are all pretty close to each other which is great.

I noticed my grandmother walk through the door from the corner of my eye. I took a deep breath and walked over. To say our relationship was rocky was an understatement.

"Rory. This all looks so-," she stopped herself as a tear cascaded down her face. "Your grandfather would have beens so proud of you." She said as I brought her into a hug. One of the more important people in my life, my grandfather wasn't going to be here today. I know that he's watching over me and that he would be proud.

People were walking around catching up and eating. Logan and his girlfriend had come so I decided to thank them for being here.

"Rory. I'm so excited to read your book!" Nicole; Logan's girlfriend said as she engulfed me in a hug. I had met Nicole a while back, and honestly she is so sweet. She really does compliment Logans personality well.

"I'm excited for everyone to read it." Logan stood up and gave me a hug, then him and Finn did there usual 'bro' hug. We caught up a bit until it was ready for my speech.

"Welcome. I'd like to thank everyone for coming and supporting me. I really couldn't have done any of this without each and everyone of you in my life. There wouldn't have even been this book if you guys weren't here. I'm so excited that this book is here and in print."

"Cheers to the new author!" Finn shouted causing a wave of glasses to hit the air. A camera flash went off as the photographer snapped a picture of each perfect moment. I never wanted to forget this night.

"Hi I'm Madison Rivers. I'd like to just jump in quickly. I'm the owner of this cafe. And I'd just like to thank Rory for continuing to inspire young generations of people to write and adding to our lovely collection of local writers. As part of our program I like to add a signed copy of your book to the perfect space on the shelf over there." She cheered as she pointed to the wall. I grabbed a book and a marker. Opening to back cover, I wrote a short message and signed my name.

My message read: 'No matter if it's a small town or a big city. Inspiration and love can come in any shape or size. You just got to keep your eyes opened to it. -Rory Gilmore.'

More pictures of me placing the book on the shelf were taken and everyone gathered around a chair in the center of the room. "Why don't you read a little bit?" Madison suggested as everyone clapped. I grabbed a book and sat in the chair surrounded by everyone I love.

I took a minute to just take it all in, scanning the faces that are in this book. The people who changed me for the better who made me the Rory that I am.

"Okay. Um. You guys ready?" I said kinda nervously.

"Kid, we've waited for this since you were born. Let's get started. Love you!" She said followed by an eruption of laughter.

I turned to the first page and took a breath.

"Where did it all start you may ask? That's complex yet simple if you really think about it. It started with my mother, Lorelai Gilmore. In a little town in Connecticut; Stars Hollow."
Wow. That's really a wrap! I'm kinda shocked that it's over. If you've read any of my other authors notes, you would now this wasn't the easiest story for me to continue. I struggled to find inspiration but I finally did. I'm so happy with the changes I decided to make and I'm really proud of the outcome.

A huge thank you again to all of you for reading and commenting on each part. Each comment just puts a smile on my face.

Please like, and comment your thoughts/opinions! Also follow to keep up with more stories and chapters. Who knows what's next!


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