Feedback: Changing Things Up

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Hey Guys,

Thank you for all you great feedback on the last few parts! It means so much to me that you guys enjoy my work. However, I have reached kinda a slump with this story. I don't really know where I want this story line to go. So I've decided to leave it up to you guys!

To all those dedicated readers out there, I want you to leave your comment below telling me what you guys want to see happen with the storyline, and characters! I'm open to changing up the story if that means it will be more enjoyable to read and for me to write. So, please think up want you want to see in this story and I'll get started incorporating it into the following parts. Also, if the plots or character stray from what happened in the show thats okay to. If you want me to add in new characters who aren't on the show leave their details below.

New Character Info (For you to leave below):
And what ever else might add to the story.

Thanks for sticking with me and I hope this will also help you guys, the readers be more involved in what I write! I'm excited to see what you guys come up with.

-Julia 😊

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