11: A Day To Remember

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I raced back home with two coffees, today Logan and I would be having a difficult conversation. I wasn't excited for it, but I knew it was important for both of us. I heard someone calling my name as I was a turning the corner.

"Gilmore." I swung around to see my old friend Paris Geller. A smile crept onto my face as we meet half way on the side walk. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. Its been a bit. What are you doing in Stars Hollow?"

"Yes it has. I just wanted to visit an old friend! How is Huntzberger, I heard about what happened?" We walked over to a near by bench as I filled her in.

"He's a lot better, but we might be splitting up." I said taking in what I just said, I knew it was happening but I hadn't said it out loud.

"Really? So things never picked up after the proposal." I just shook my head.

"Well, you two are mature adults. You more than him, but as long as both of you are happy." She leaned forward to hug me. Paris was always full of wisdom and surprises.

We continued to chat for a few minutes, but I knew I had to get home to talk to Logan.

"Paris, it was great to see you. We should defiantly get together more often. I hate to cut this short but the coffees getting cold and I need to talk to Logan." She laughed at my coffee remark.

"Go, go sort of your life and we'll get together soon so I can get an update on the situation. Oh and remember that no matter what happens between the two of you, you'll always have positive memories that impacted you and made you the person you are today." I smiled thinking back to my original book idea, and that was exactly it.

We parted ways as I headed back to apartment. Within minutes my key turned in the door and I walked into the living room.

"Logan, are you here?" I called as I placed my bag on the chair and placed the coffee on the table. "I brought coffee." He walked out of the room and joined me on the couch.

"Thanks. So, where do we start?"

"No problem, I ran into Paris on my way back. Um, well I guess we both know this relationship has had its ups and downs and I think at this point maybe we need to split." We sat facing each other in silence for a few seconds, waiting to see who would speech first.

"Yeah, I think everything went wrong when I proposed and dished out an ultimatum. Maybe things would have been different if I had just agreed to wait out the relationship." He said looking guilty.

"Oh Logan, none of this is your fault. I get it, you felt hurt that I didn't want to get engaged. But I think after everything with your accident and us trying again, we just never picked up where we left off. I think thats okay though, cause we don't have to end this on bad terms. I don't want to look back and regret us. I won't. I love you but maybe not in that way anymore."

"I can't loose you completely from my life Ace. Can you be honest with me for a second, do you have feelings for Finn?" I was taken back, I knew I was gonna have to tell him. But to be honest, I didn't think he picked up on it.

"Honestly, I don't know. He was acting strange with me the last few times I've seen him. I have to admit something though, he kissed me." He just waited for me to continue. "I didn't kiss him back, and I know he felt guilty. But I couldn't stop thinking about it after. I'm sorry. I would be a horrible person if we broke up and I starting seeing one of your best friends, wouldn't I?"

"You could never be a horrible person Ace. It's okay. He told me a few days ago, he has been beating himself up about it. I was pissed at first but I have to tell you something too. When I was in the hospital, there was this volunteer I met. She spent sometime with me and we instantly hit it off. I stoped anything from happening cause I was messed up about our falling out. Surprisingly I haven't stop thinking about her."

"So I guess we both are going to try with other people." I laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, so I guess this is the end of our relationship. And again I would be damned to loose you as a friend." He said as I leaned in to hug him. I was relieved about the way this conversation went. I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Huntzberger." We laughed which eased the silent tension that formed. "I guess I'll be looking for a new apartment."

"Rory, you can stay here for a few days. I'll sleep on the couch till you find a new place." He offered.

"Thanks, I'll start the hunt tomorrow. Maybe I will find a cute loft where I can continue writing my book."

"I hope I'm still being cast as the handsome hero in that novel even though we are broken up." He said as I just shook my head.

"We shall see." I said as I got up to make some lunch.

"If you need some help let me know. I don't think I ever made you a proper meal in this apartment." He said making me think back on our short time here. This wasn't the same apartment as before the proposal, it was small but it worked.

"Its okay Logan, things worked out the way they were supposed to. I have to believe that."
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