Authors Message

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Hey Guys,

Sorry this is not an update but I just posted another chapter. Well this story has really been a rocky one for me. I started writing it awhile back, way before the revival was even announced. I started out super excited about this story but it quickly died out. I wasn't inspired to write it anymore. Honestly I was ready to just give up on it. Then I started to see the amount of reads climb.

I was shocked. Everyone who reads every update and chapter is why I came back to finish this story. I was able to come out of my writers block and actually plan out the rest of this story.  I've actually been excited to write and improve each part.

And I think my work shows too. Each chapter I'm more and more proud of.  Each part gets more attention and honestly it makes me so happy.

I can't thank you guys enough. I do want to say that there will only be 2 more chapters and a possible epilogue if I feel it's necessary.

I realize that it's short only 15 chapters but I'd like to think there eventful and fillings enough not to have to drag it out further. The next two parts are already planned out and as far as an epilogue goes, I'm not sure. It depends on how the last chapter plays out in writing.

My plans since the beginning have changed drastically. So you never know.

Anyways.  Thank you guys again for making this story what it has become and I hope your excited to see how it all wraps up.


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