14: Seasons

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*A/N: For this chapter I wanted to do something different. Just so it makes sense, its basically going to be  flashbacks that Rory is experiencing while she is writing her novel. Similar to the revival, I wanted to organize it into seasons as that so beautifully goes along with the Gilmore Girls. Anything that is italicized is her thoughts now looking back.
** = Time jump


"Mom, I don't think we've actually ever been in this pool." I stated as I watched all the neighborhood kids splashing around. Mom and I were just lounging about enjoying the sun as we did in our free time.

"Ew, yeah and thats not about to change." She said moving her hat to meet my eyes.  I laughed as she acted dramatically to good for a public pool. "You know I'm done for today, I need to head over to the inn to make sure Michelle is treating the guests alright." She stood and began to pack her bag.

"Well, we had a good 20 minutes. I'm going to go get an iced coffee." I waited for her reaction. She gasped, as expected.

"Rory Gilmore. I've raised you better than to drink watered down coffee." She said seriously as I laughed. Still to this day she hates when I drink iced coffee. But she did have a point.

"But its scorching!" I cried trying to plead my case.

"Well than go drink some lemonade or something. There is no need to disgrace the name of coffee." I signed defeated.

"Okay than. See you at the town meeting tonight!" I said as she gave me a quick hug and we parted ways.


I had spent the rest of the afternoon just around the town and I had planned to meet up with Luke and mom at the meeting. The town meetings were always interesting to say the least. Wow, I haven't been to one in so long.

As I walked through the doors I was meet with all these familiar faces. These people have supported me since I was a little girl running around the inn with my mom. This town raised me and I couldn't have wanted it any other way.

"Kid, we saved you a seat." I saw mom waving me over. I walked through the middle aisle and greeted all of the meetings usuals; Miss Patty, Babette, Gypsy, Kirt, Lucy and of course Taylor.

"Hey Rory, hows it going?" Luke said as I sat in the open spot. "Oh and quick question doesn't it seem hot in here?" Confused, I look at my mom.

"Luke over here, is preparing to fight Taylor over letting him install a new air conditioning system." I love that this is the peek of drama in Stars Hollow, and it was usually between Taylor and Luke. The good ol'days.

"Oh well that should be fun. But I'll support you Luke."

"I told him I could get us all T-shirts with the proposal on the front and Luke's Diner on the back. Oh and we could have even gotten one for Paul Anka." I just laughed. Luke was just looking at her ramble on with admiration in his eyes. All I want is for them to be happy. Their relationship is what I crave for even today. I hope Finn will be that person for me.

"Oh Lorelai." Luke said as he just chuckled.

"Well hello Stars Hollow residence. How are we all going today?" Taylor announced walking over the front of the room with the same amount of enthusiasm as always. Almost on cue, everyone in the audience began to chime in with comments and complaints and questions. Luke and my mom were up there with them. I just couldn't help but pull myself out of the moment, even though physically I wasn't moving. This town was built by these people and the ones before them. They all are the reason that Stars Hollow is the town and the attraction that is. It is the embodiment of small town charm. Gilmore you just keep coming back to this central idea for your book, its perfect.

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