6: Old Friend

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I spent the next few days writing and relaxing. Logan had taken some time off to recover, so he was home most of the day.

However I had something on my mind. A text message from Jess, saying he was coming back to town. Jess and Logan never got along, and me and Jess have a past. I wondered what he wanted.

"Hey, whats on your mind?" Logan said snapping me out of my train of thought. I don't want to tell him about Jess, I don't want him to get all crazy.

"Oh not much, just thinking about how I need a break. How about I go and get us some food." I said pushing the thoughts out of my mind.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"Don't worry, stay relax."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." I said kissing him as I walked out the door. I walked down the block and decided to stop by Luke's. I haven't seen him since I left for the campaign. Him and mom are together which is great, I mean I always had a feeling they would be.

After a few minutes I reached the familiar corner. I heard a voice that near gets old, "Rory! Luke, Luke Rory my daughter is here." My mom said pulling me into a hug bear hug.

"Hi mom, Luke. How are you guys?" I said.

"Were good. How are you Miss. Disappearing." My mom joked.

"Sorry. Its been a tough week. I have good news though. Logan and I are back together." I said and a weird smile appeared on both of theirs faces.

"That's great kid. Are you happy?" Luke said.

"Yeah, I am." I said finally saying it out loud. "Luke I need 2 burgers and fries to go please." I smiled grabbing coffee. As we caught up, Luke handed me my bag of food.

"Okay, kid you need to come by more often." My mom said hugging me as Luke waved.

"I will mom. Bye Luke." As I began to walk down the street. I heard my name being called.

"Rory." I heard turning around, and seeing the one person I hoped I wouldn't see anytime soon; Jess.

"Jess. Your back already." I said trying to figure out how this conversation should go.

"Yeah, I am. How are you?"

"I'm good, I quit the campaign. Wait, hows the book?"

"Really good, here. I brought you a copy. Its in minor stores, so its not huge."

"Jess, publishing a book is huge. I'm happy for you."

"Well, I have you to thank. Anyway, why did you quit the campaign?"

"Its just wasn't my thing. Everything was a competition, and I didn't feel like it was my thing. I wasn't focused and learning. I've decided to take my writing elsewhere."

"I'm glad your finding your way. Are you happy?" I was taken back, why do people keep asking me that?

"Actually yes. How about you?"

"Getting there. Anyway your foods getting cold. Wait who's the second burger for?" On no.

"Logan." He looked shocked, and a bit hurt.

"Oh okay. Anyway, you got to go. We should hang out sometime. Maybe have a little writing session." He said trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, that would be good. It was nice seeing you."

"Same to you. Bye Rory." He said walking the other direction.

"Bye Jess." I said. I walked as thoughts flooded through my mind.

I got to the apartment, and Logan greeted me by the door.

"Ace, what took you so long?" He said grabbing the food, and giving me a peck on the lips.

"Oh ran into an old friend from school. How are you feeling?" I said hoping he would drop the other.

"Better now that your here." He said pulling me close, and just holding me tight.

"Lets eat. I'm starving." I said as we eat together, talking about the future. But my thoughts wondered to Jess. What does it mean that he's back? I couldn't help but replay our conversation in my head. I hope that these feelings go away. I'm happy with Logan, I love Logan, I tried to tell myself.


Hey. Hope you enjoyed. What do we think about Jess coming back.

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