13: Childhood

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Finn's POV

Well things have been going smoothly since the day Rory came over to my apartment. Honestly, I'm just taking it slow cause I don't want to mess anything up. Anyways we had a date today, and I wanted to make it special. I was going to be picking her up and taking her to this really cool coffee shop.

Its like a hot spot for local writers and artists, around the Stars Hollow area. I thought it would be nice for Rory to go there and check the place out. I asked her to bring along a few random pages of her draft, because they have this wall where they post progress work. I really hope that she likes it, she deserves to have a place where her work will be appreciated.

I was even planning for when her book gets published, we could do a party here. But I'm getting a head of myself, lets just hope the date goes okay.
Rory's POV

I climbed out of the shower, and headed to the closet to pick an outfit. I went with something casual yet cute. Some jeans and a pale yellow blouse. I made copies of a few pages of my book, but I was still confused. Finn was picking me up soon for our date, but hasn't told me where were going and why I need these pages. I placed the pages in my bag and waited for the clock to hit 11.

I decided to wait outside so I locked up and went down the stairs. Immediately Finn pulled up and rolled down his window.

"Have we met before?" He said as I laughed. "Well I'm sure I'd remember a face like that." He said unlocking the car door.

"Hey Finn. How are you?"

"I'm great, fantastic. I'm about to take this girl I picked up on the sidewalk on a very nice date." I just smiled at him as he continued to drive. It seemed to take only about 15 minutes till we pulled up to a cute cafe.

"Finn, is this where were going?" I was shocked, I've been dying to come here. This place is like the hot spot for local writers. I could only dream that my book gets a place on one of their many selves.

"Yep. This is all for you darling." He parked and I literally was so excited. This was so sweet of him and everything made sense now. Finn walked around to my door and opened it for me. I reached out to grab his hand as he helped me out.

"Wow Finn." I said as I lightly pecked his lips. We walked in hand in hand, and sat at the nearest table to a window. I looked around in amazement. I've read all the books that are placed on these walls.

"Hey. I'll be your waiter today, how can I help you?" A young women walked up to us. Finn quickly jumped in.

"Hello love. I think we will both take a coffee for now. Also, in front of you is a future local writer working on her novel as we speak. And I was hoping to get her into your program." I was blushing listening to Finn talk about me.

"Hi, I'm Rory Gilmore." I said shyly. Finn grabbed my hand from across the table.

"Oh thats wonderful! Do you happen to have a draft with you. We have a wall of progress." I grabbed the pages from my bag and handed them to her. "Thank you for adding to the charm of this place, we can't wait till you work gets published. I'll go grab those coffees." I turned back to Finn and he just chuckled.

"Thank you so much Finn. I've been to scared to come here on my own. It means a lot."

"You deserve it Rory. Why don't we talk about what makes you, you. How did you even get into writing this book?"

"Well, I kinda wanted it to be like my story coming from a small town. I grew up super close to my mom, my dad Christopher made an appearance once in a while. We got closer when I was older. But for most of my life it was just my mom and I in Stars Hollow, ordering Chinese food and watching movies in our house. My mom is such an inspiration to me, leaving home when she got pregnant with me at 16. Working at an Inn and now she was her own Inn. One of my best memories was the summer we spent backpacking through Europe. It was so much fun and we grew closer if that was even possible." As I said everything, I felt myself reliving all of it in my head.

"I can't wait to read this book it sounds like its going to be wonderful. You know we have to visit Australia one summer, just you and me." He said making me smile.

"That would be fun. Did you grow up in Australia?" I questioned. I always wondered about Finn's past. He never really talks about his childhood or anything really personal.

"Well I did grow up in Australia till I was about 10. I loved Australia but I was moved to the states when my parents split. My dad took me here and my mom is still back in Australia." Wow, I had no idea. But before I could say anything he continued, "I never took anything really seriously, I was in and out of schools. I think it was when I got into Yale and met the Life and Death Brigade that I started to enjoy life again. I love those guys, like brothers I didn't have."

"I never knew any of that. You really are complex. I was always fascinated by the Life and Death Brigade."

"I remember when you came to one of our gatherings. I was in shock that you even wanted to hang out with us crazies."

"No I really had so much fun. It got me to step out of my comfort zone which younger Rory needed to do more often."

We spent the rest of the afternoon just getting to know each other more and kind of filling in the blanks of when we knew each other but weren't together. I truly could feel myself starting to fall for him and honestly it felt good.
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