7: Unexpected

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The next few months were great yet I still felt something missing. Logan has gotten better, and our relationship has grown stronger. But I can't help but be confused by other feelings growing, ones I'm struggling to get rid of.

I know I love Logan, but why is it that I can see myself with others? I hate not being honest with Logan. I try to hide my wondering mind, but it gets harder and harder.
Logan's Party - A Few Days Later (Rory's PoV)

Logan decided to host a party as a way to bring together all the old friends. I'm not one for parties, but I was hoping to see someone that is the reason for some of these confusing thoughts. I waited for everyone to arrive, as Logan set out refreshments and drinks.

"Ready Ace?" He asked.

"Yeah! All ready to party!" I said sarcastically, since he knew I wasn't the party goer. I heard a knock at the door, signal the guests were arriving. I went to the door, and the first to arrive was Finn. He seemed startled that I had opened the door.

"Rory. How are you?" He said stepping inside awkwardly.

"I'm going well. How about you? Haven't seen you in awhile."

"Fine. Yeah, I've been busy." A few more people had followed, everyone grabbing drinks and joking about the old days. As you can assume Logan and his friends are heavy drinkers. They are not satisfied by a few drinks. The guys were making the girls "keep up" which led to most of us getting rather wasted.

"Remember that time when we were all totally wasted, and Collin and Finn meet those milk maids?"

"How can one forget?" We all laughed, but Finn watched me as I sat in between Logan's legs. This was a usual Yale party, drinking and joking about each others stupidity. After what seemed like only minutes a few of the guests had fallen asleep on the couch. I was sober enough to began to clean up after the messy boys.

"I can help you." Finn says getting up, and grabbed the empty bowls.

"Oh don't worry."

"No, its nothing. The rest of these guys are too wasted to even re-site the alphabet. Its quiet funny all the things those idiots say when there drunk." He said chuckling to himself.

"Wait, Logan shouldn't be drinking so much. Oh no, what have I done." I said feeling stupid that I forget. I began to panic because Logan could end up back in the hospital.

"Rory relax, I gave him the lightest of beers there is. I made sure he didn't drink to many." He said holding my shoulder trying to relax me.

"Finn, thank you so much."

"You know I might be a goofball, but I do care about my friends well being."

"I always knew that about you. Your a kind person Finn." He looked into my eyes.

"I not only care but I will never hurt them. I would suffer and hold back to make sure they were happy." He said oddly, he seemed to lean forward but then turn away. "I do care for you Rory."

"I know Finn,  I care about you too."

"No I mean I care about you more than a friend should." I was speechless, it made sense thats why he's been avoiding Logan and I. I never really looked at Finn as more than a friend. However, I did feel like I had some underlining feelings for him. He was always there when Logan and I were fighting, he's always just been there.


"Say no more, I shouldn't of said that. I know your with my best friend." He began to walk to the door. I knew this wasn't a joke cause usually he never talks in such a serious manner.

"Finn, wait. It's okay. I won't tell Logan what you said. Listen your a great friend. But-"  He cut me off by pulling me into a gentile kiss, I immediately pulled back.

"Sorry." He said running out the door. The feeling lingered on my lips as I just stood there speechless. I felt terrible, him having to watch Logan and I together. I didn't know what to do now, Finn must be crushed.

"Ace. Can you bring me some water?" I heard Logan call. I got him a glass of fresh water and walked it to the couch.

"Thanks. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine just tired. I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Everyone said they were leaving now any way. I'll meet you in bed in a minute." He said as his friends began to leave. I headed to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed.

After about 20 minutes everyone had left and Logan made his way to the bed. I could tell he was drunk.

"You've seemed distant lately. Whats wrong with you?"


"Oh come on Rory. Are you not happy with me?" He said taking me back when he didn't use my nickname.

"Of course I'm happy with you."

"I'm going to sleep. When you want to tell me the truth, I'll be here." I knew he probably wouldn't remember this in the morning. I wish I was in that state as well, I don't want to remember the pain I caused Finn, and the pain I sense in Logan. He may be drunk but I know thats what he really feels. What am I going to do?
Hey. Hope you enjoyed. What do you think about Finn?

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