12: House Visit

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3 Weeks Later

I was able to find a new apartment in Stars Hollow, so I moved out of Logan's apartment. It was hard, and I know that its fair to both of us. Even if neither of our future relationships work out, its not right to stay in a relationship when there are doubts and secrets. We owe it to each other to give something else a chance.

I moved into the new apartment rather quickly, and I already loved it. It was small, yet comfortable for me. Mom helped with the move and decorating everything. It was a good distraction from everything else that was happening but I knew it was time to talk to Finn. To see if these confusing feelings were just confusing feelings or if they are something else.

I decided to text him, to try to meet up and talk.

Me- Hey, I was wondering if I could drop by your apartment to talk later on?
Finn- Hi yeah sure. Is everything okay?
Me- Great. It will be, I hope.

I jumped into my car, and headed to his place. Due to nerves, I blasted music on the way there. I couldn't help but sing along. I'm Rory Gilmore, I should not be freaking out like this. Compose yourself. What has gotten into you Gilmore.

After like a 20 minute drive; Finn lives a few minutes out of Stars Hollow, I arrived outside his apartment building. I took a deep breath and laid my head on the steering wheel. Am I doing the right thing, should I just go back home? Oh come on, your here for a reason. Just go ring the bell. Get out of the car Gilmore.

"Rory?" My head snapped up to see Finn tapping on the window of my car. Instantly embarrassed, as he just watched my basically face plant into the steering wheel. I quickly grabbed my bag, locking the car and going out to greet him.

"Oh hey sorry, I was just about to go out and ring the bell." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah, I was sitting on the steps. I needed some fresh air, when I noticed you pulled up." He said leading me through the front entrance to the elevator. "So, how have you been?"

"I'm alright. I just moved into my new apartment in Stars Hollow. I really like it, its small yet perfect for me. I'm excited to continue writing my book there. I have this cute little writing nook in one of the corners, its what I've needed to get focused and in the zone to write. Um sorry I'm rambling. How about you?" I said stopping myself. If I didn't snap out of it I would have continued to ramble on nervously. Great Gilmore, already scaring him off and you haven't even gotten out of the elevator. Why is he smiling like that? He must think I'm crazy.

"I'm okay. But you sound happy, you look happy." He said as he lead me to the door.

"I am." I said as I walked into the room. I looked around and realized that I had never actually been here before. Scanning the room, I noticed how it appeared to be a very like Finn. There were random objects that reflected his many interests and personalities.

"Wow, this place is cool

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"Wow, this place is cool." I said fascinated by everything. I felt him watch me as I walked around his living room. "Are you int interior design?" I asked curiously.

"Thanks, yeah kind of. I wanted it to reflect me so it took a while to get it to look like this. Do you want anything to drink?" He walked into the kitchen as I followed.

"Water is fine thanks." Filling up two glasses, I walked back the couch and sat down. "So, have you heard about Logan and I? We split up a few weeks ago." I said as he sat next to me.

"I heard through the grapevine. How are you feeling about that?" Of course he heard.

"Um, honestly I'm okay. The relationship just wasn't headed where it should have been. And there were things halting the relationship. It was civil though." He didn't say anything in response. "I need to be honest about something." Gilmore, its now or never. Just breath, whats the worst that can happen. He already confessed his feelings once, now its your turn.

"Okay." He said seemingly nervous.

"Do you remember when you kissed me?" I blurted out. Way to go Gilmore, smooth. He seemed shocked that I had brought that up. "Well since it happened I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was confused and frankly I still am."

"Am I the reason that you guys broke up?"

"Not entirely. Its not your fault, there were other things too. After it happened I started rethinking about our friendship and how you must have felt hiding it for so long. I also started to think about how you seemed to always be around when I needed someone. Even if it was just to cheer me up."

"What are you saying." He asked me.

"Well. I'm saying that maybe I started to have feelings for you and was wondering if you still felt the same." There was a long pause. Breath, he's just thinking. It's a lot. Or maybe he just thinks your crazy. Well then.

"Rory. I'm surprised this is even happening. I do. I really thought I messed everything up when I told you, but I guess not." He smiled as I let out a relieved laugh. Go Gilmore. "So does this mean you want to try things?"

"I guess we can, slowly." I said as he touch my hand.

"Okay, Rory Gilmore will you do me the honor darling of going on a date with me this weekend?" I started to laugh as his usual self seemed to come back into him, as nerves disappeared.

"I'd love to." I said as he quickly cut me off.

"I just need to tell you something first. And please don't be angry with Logan or me." Oh crap.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"So you know how Logan calls you Ace? Well way back when, I was actually the one to come up with that for you and Logan that it was catchy." I just stared at him. "So technically, you were my Ace first."
Hey guys,

How did we like the plot twist at the end?
I just wanted to say that I enjoyed writing this part, and experimenting a bit with more of Rory's inner thoughts. Also, as far as the whole Rory choosing Finn story line. I'd hope you all give it a chance, just as I am. I think as I was planning out how I wanted to end this, I really didn't want to end like every other Gilmore Girls fanfic. Yes, I love Logan and personally I'm all for Rogan. I just think that this beloved series and set of characters deserved a different spin. Theres nothing wrong with a bit a change and originality.

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