Meeting him

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It was a cold winter morning as I walked into the coffee shop. 

"Good morning, Natalie!" A co-worker's voice sang in my ear. It was Nancy. Nancy was one of my good friends, and we worked at Starbucks together. She was kinda a whore, but I still loved her the same. 

"Hey, girl!" Another female voice called out to me. That was Loranna. Loranna was my closest friend, we had known each-other since we were little girls. I could come to her for anything and everything. 

I strolled into the back room, changing into my uniform. I slipped out of my cashmere knit sweater and changed into my black polo shirt and green apron. I sighed, putting my bag away in my locker and going to go cater to some customers. 

"You know," Nancy started, twisting a golden lock of hair in her finger. "You really need to get laid. When was the last time you got laid? Wait. Don't tell me. Are you still a viiiiirginnnn?" She dragged the last sentence out. 

"N-no! What're you talking about?!" I acted confused, like I had no idea what she was talking about.  Loranna snorted in the background, handing a young lady a late.  I ignored both of them for the rest of the day. 

I walked out of the establishment, shivering in the light falling snow. I motioned for Loranna to get in the car and she nodded. "Sooo," Loranna started. "Don't even go there." I huffed loudly, staring at the wheel. Pulling out of the parking lot, the car ride home was silent. Loranna was my roommate, my person. Loranna pursed her lips and got onto her Instagram. "We're young adults, we can do what we want, ya' know?" 

There was a loud screech of the tires and we went flying across the road, almost going off the road. "What the hell?!" Loranna screamed. "You almost killed us!" She got out of the car to see minimal damage, then got back in. "The cars in okay shape, but the engines busted." She announced proudly. "We're walking back, then." I exclaimed. 

We trudged back to the Starbucks, placing down our bags and leaning on the counter. "Hey, Nancy." I spoke softly. "Hey, ladiess! Why back so soon?" She asked. I shrugged. "I need to go use the bathroom." I muttered, walking into the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I locked it, turning on the lights. I let my eyes adjust, sighing. 


A noise trailed off from a corner of the bathroom. "The fuck? Hello?" I called out. A muscular hand grabbed me, clapping it around my mouth and another placed on my waist, pulling me to a rock hard mass. My breathing became heavy and my eyes widened. I opened my mouth to scream but before I could, the mass spoke. "One word or movement out of you and I'll rape you." 

Tensing up, I stayed still as the man lifted me up and stood me to my feet. "Hear me out." He spoke nonchalantly. "You're going to walk out there and act like everything's normal, you're walking out with a relative. Then, you're going to get in my car, and we're going to leave. Got it?" His voice was cold and harsh. "Mhm...!" I said quickly, wiping away a few tears that had sprung from my eyes. 

This was probably the last I'd ever see of Nancy or Loranna. I thought, thinking of the worst. We walked out of the bathroom together, walking briskly outside. "Hey na-" Loranna started, but we had already left. I stepped into the mans car as he leaned over and began to bind my hands and feet. "Time to go." He said, pulling off.

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