Getting Out

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Jacob doesn't stop driving until we are far away, and the once shiny afternoon is replaced with great, gray storm clouds.
"Your sisters." I say from the passenger side.
  Without glancing my way, he keeps on driving. "They'll be okay. The birthday party they went to is a sleepover. My sisters are safe." he replies.
"But won't they miss you when you're gone?" I ask. Even as the words leave my lips, I know that it is a rhetorical question.
The moment he decided to come with me, is the very same moment he made to choice to die on my behalf. I don't think he has yet realized it. The School will be after him too.
Jacob doesn't answer me, he just keeps driving as we turn the corner and pull onto the interstate.
I scowl. "I don't think you heard me, Jacob." I say with clenched teeth. "Because of me you're in danger. Do you not understand? There is no turning back. You do realize that, don't you?"
He seems to finally lose his patience. "Jesse, I am freaking trying to drive. Shut. Up!" he yells.
I don't know why I decide to listen. With disgust, I think that maybe it is the Max in me.

                     +.                                 +.                          +

I awake to find myself in white sheets with my clothes still on.
Out of reflex, I jump up, my hands and feet in a fighting stand, ready to fight off whatever intruder has done this to me.
"It's okay." Jacob says, coming around the corner with only his jeans on and his sandy blonde hair wet. I can tell he has just showered, and I relax my body with a sigh.
"What am I doing here?" I spit, angry that I let my guard down and fell asleep near a stranger that I don't even know.
"We've been on the road for a couple of hours now, I thought you might've wanted a place to rest." he answers.
I do not what has come over me. This boy. He is human, yet I seem to trust him more than my own conscious.
"Kiss me." I whisper.
Those icy blue eyes.
The way his soft, pink, full lips curl at the right side of his jaw.
For a moment we just stand, staring at each other.
I can feel my subconscious yelling at me, telling me no, but for once I ignore her.
Jacob still has not answered me yet, and I soon regret what I asked.
Feeling humiliated, I frown and start to apologize, but I before I can, he grabs me by the shoulders, pressing his lips against mine.
I moan, wrapping my legs around him as our kisses grow hungrier.
All of these weird, mixed emotions that I have had for the past few days all come out at once.
I whisper his name as he kisses my neck. My jaw. My lips again. My forehead.
We fall down onto the bed, and he groans my name, as I place my hands on his chiseled jaw.
Almost too soon do we part, breathing hard into each other.
He smells of aloe bath soap and shampoo. I suddenly flush.
Finally, I break the silence. "I'm sorry. You just took a bath and I must stink." I look away from him. Anywhere but at him.
He raises his eyebrows, giving me a beautiful smile. "It's alright. I can taken another one after you." He kisses me again, cupping my head so that he can hold men gently.
"So what were those wolf things coming at us, and why did one talk to you?" he dares to ask.
"I don't know how to tell you this, but that was my little brother. His name's Ari, and he's only eight years old." I say.
I begin to tell him about the School back in California. About the Erasers and the other mutants that are experimented on everyday. I tell him about Max and her Flock. About how Jeb helped them escape, but not Ari and I. About how he betrayed them. About how I made my escape. Everything up until now.
This is my first time telling anyone this, and somehow as I do, I suddenly start to cry. But, what I do not tell him about is what I plan to do to Max when I see her. How I will slowly take away everyone she loved piece by piece. And, after I am finished with her, I will make sure she dies the slowest and most painful death. So painful that she will wish she was never born.
Jacob's thumbs wipe away my tears, lingering on my lips.
We kiss again before I head to the shower.

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