Burning Bridges

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I hold Max in a head choke as I see nothing but crimson red. Her hands wrap around my hair, pulling at me as we both growl.

My nails dig into her arms and in return she digs her teeth into my arms.

Neither of us dare to show pain. Neither of us dare break down.

I am being too nice to her. Instead of killing her with my illusions, I am going to kill her with my bare hands. It will be less painful this way.

Kicking her twice, I manage to sit back on top of her. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I punch her face repeatedly.

That's when I find hands wrapping around my shoulders.

"Jesse, stop!" Jacob yells.

Sadly that doesn't stop me.

Before Max can even get herself back into a fighting stance, I will my illusions to punch her in her sides repeatedly.

She coughs up blood, spitting it in my face. It only makes me crave the sight of big sister in pain even more.

Suddenly, I scream out in pain, falling to the floor in agony. "Jesse, stop burning your bridges." That little girl from before her stands over me as I am paralyzed.

I snarl at her, giving the death stare. I could kill her. I could, but she is only a child, and I will not murder a little kid.

Jacob stands me up, wrapping m in his arms so that he can mesmerize me. So that I cannot hurt Max any longer as he holds me tightly. Slowly my illusions unclasp themselves from around Max's neck and retract into the shadows of my being. Max drops to the floor, shooting murderous glares at me to hide her anger.

"That's for leaving Ari and me back at the School. Thanks to you, our brothers one of them! Thanks to you, I will never love you again as  long as you live!" I cry, collapsing into tears.

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