Bella Swan

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Interviewer Momo: -comes on stage in glitter- MARRY ME BELLA!

Bella Swan: WTF BITCH?!

Interviewer Momo: Welcome at a new episode of Interviewing the Famous! My name is Momo and today ur guest is, Bella Swan from Twilight!

Bella Swan: Uhhh… Hello?

Interviewer Momo: Bella, you’re a emotionless bitch in the Twilight movies and I can’t stand you damn it. You’re wors than a Mary Sue, you can’t choose between a gay vampire and a chihuahua. HELLO! You’re really a dreadfull teenager!

Bella Swan: -looks back emotionless-

Interviewer Momo: THIS IS WHAT I MEAN! When Edward leaves you, you suddenly start geting totaly suicide thought. DAMN! It’s just a boy! There are enough boys in the sea! You could have just picked that dog?

Jacob Black: -barks in chihuahua form-

Bella Swan: Yes but-

Interviewer Momo: NO BUTS! I’ve just totally had it with you! I don’t think I’m the only one. They anyway just look twilight because of that Jacob and Edward! So not for you! Have you read Bella fan fics anywhere? NO! Because you’re just so annoying!

Bella Swan: But-

Interviewer Momo: NO! Everybody thinks Jacob and Edward are so amazing! But they also aren’t! HOW CAN YOU IN GODS NAME GET A CHILD FROM EDWARD?! HE HASN’T GOT ANY BLOOD IN HIS BODY SO HE ALSO CAN’T GET A HARD ON!

Bella Swan: BUT!!

Interviewer Momo: NO!!!!! AND NOW QUIET YOU!

Bella Swan: -silence-

Interviewer Momo: Thank god, now I don’t have to hear your nagging voice  anymore. Well what I wanted to ask you was... Are you horny or do you want a cookie?

Plant: -facepalm-

Bella Swan: Just give me a cookie, thank you                                              

Interviewer Momo: -pours tea in and gives a cookie-

Bella Swan: Hey Momo?

Interviewer Momo: Hmm? –stuffs her face full with cookies-

Bella Swan: You’re really a bitch

Publiek: -GASP!-

Interviewer Momo: -mouth falls open and crumbles fall out- YOU’RE GOING DOWN BITCH! –leaps at Bella and starts fighting with her-

-technical trouble in the broadcasting station-

Manager: The rest of the program could not be broadcasted because of too much violence. What happened to Bella, nobody will ever know.

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