Interview with McFly

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Interviewer Momo: So, ladies and gentleman! Today we have the band McFly in our studios! Boys, how're you?!

Dougie: Good!

Tom: Fine!

Danny: Couldn't be better!

Harry: I want some popcorn…

Interviewer Momo: That's good to hear! As I want some popcorn to. You know, I always confused you with the brittish band; Busted.

McFly: Ow.

Interviewer Momo: I actually don't know a single song of you guys... Now I feel bad.

Tom: You should be ashamed of yourself Momo

Interviewer Momo: -Pouts-

Dougie: -gives tissue-

Harry: -claps her on the back- It'll be okay girl.

Interviewer Momo: So. When did you're bandname come to excist? Did you go to the McDonalds one day and you were like; "Wow, we fly. We're... McFly."?

McFly: -facepalm-

Interviewer Momo: It's possible!

Harry: I don't think you're the smartest at home.

Interviewer Momo: No, you're probably confusing me with someone else.. -eats gummybears mad-

Danny: I want some to!

Morrow: -throws some gummybears-

Interviewer Momo: Hmm… Let's see if I have any good questions. Oh yes, is someone allergic for toxic stuff?

McFly: WHAT?!

Interviewer Momo: Put these on, we have to make this hall vermin free! –gives gasmasks-

McFly: -puts them on fast-

Publiek: -has gasmasks on to-

Cannibal Plant: -walks around with gasmask on-

McFly: What kind of vermin?!

Interviewer Momo: Ah you know, rats, cockroaches, mice, aliëns ect.

McFly: -facepalm-


Publiek: -applause for aliën-

Aliëns: -Come onto the stage and take the McFly boys with them-

Interviewer Momo: -is not paying attention and is talking to the manager about her weekend-


Interviewer Momo: I hear a weird sound…

Aliëns: GOODBYE EARTHPEOPLE! –leaves with McFly-

Interviewer Momo: -looks around for McFly- Hmm… Where did they go?

Publiek: -shrugs-

Interviewer Momo: Oké, whatever. Till the next episode!!!

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