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 A/N New characters are coming up...


katy was simply horrible.

-Why did you have to do THAT? - I cried- I mean....

-Don't you start-she cut me off- That girl is a looser and She will get what She deserves.

  That was it, it was the last straw. I stopped walking and looked her in the eyes.


She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her.

-I'll give you two options, You can do this my way and it will all be okay, or You can do it your way and regret your decision-/she whispered in my ear and than gave me a fake, forced smile. -It's your choice.  I mean, it WOULD be a shame if I shared your little secret with some people

   I closed my eyes ad tried my best not to cry. I couldn't let her see how much those words were hurting me, /i appeared weak enough as it was.

-i thought so-She said letting me go- Just don't forget who is the boss around here, got it ?


-You know  what to do.

I turned around, and started walking to Marjorie's locker. I knew what I had to do, even if I didn't really want to  do it.


It was a really hot day.

I looked in my closet.

There were lots of beautiful,stylish things. My aunt, Leia, Had given me them because she was a professional stylist and didn't want her relatives ''in rags''. The truth is,I was never the kind of person my family wanted me to be.

My mother wanted a lovely, feminine lady, She  was a model with an amazing body, long, curly blond hair, very clever. I wasn't like her at all, my body was way too fat, my hair always in a messy bun, and my ''style'' was a T-shirt and some jeans.

My father was an intelligent,  tall  man.  a competent  lawyer, very respected and admired.  I wasn't like him at all.

My sister? she was better than me in every way. Thin, sportive, popular,adored by all.

and I was just weird. straight black hair. Simple clothes, no amazing talents other than my funny abilities, such as dreaming before stuff happen, feeling what other  people feel and seeing images in peoples eyes.

''I'm so crazy''- I muttered to myself, getting something to wear.

- Come down, Marjorie!

I ran down the stairs, hungry as can be.

- finally you're up- my mother commented annoyed. (even if I was on time) - take a seat.

   My sister, Ary, came down. As soon as my mother saw her, her frown turned into a smile:

-Good morning, sweetheart!- She exclaimed happily

-Morning - Ary replied.

  My mother looked at me and frowned again.

-you aren't going to school like THAT.

-Hey, these clothes are good"!-I contested.

-At least put some make up. It should hide your ugly face.

-I'm gone- I said leaving the table.

For some reason, She was in a different mood with me, and I was still going to find out why.

Sighing, I got my backpack and went walking to my high school. It was a good school, although there were many more boys than girls and the few girls that did go there  weren't so nice.


- Hey Marjy- someone called - how's stuff going?

-Good I guess- I awkwardly replied

I continued walking until a group of popular pretty girls came to me:

-Hi Marjorie!You are so lovely today! - They all started laughing.

-LOOK ITS THE GIRL!- a guy yelled from a classroom.

more laughs.

This couldn't be good.


Katy walks up to me with her snob friends and whispers in my ear.

-Go look on what I put on  your  locker- She suggested.

This REALLY wasn't good.

Nervous I ran to my locker and saw a note.

 Hey little nerd!

 Looks like you're getting popular! Why don't you check whats new on the internet?

 I crumpled the paper and threw it on the floor. Laila , my only true friend, ran up to me.

- Don't worry about katy, okay? she's just a looser and what she said about you is a lie.- She said.

-What did she say?- i asked totally confused

she showed me her twitter account

My photo was there, and it didn't look good at ALL; My hair was a mess and I looked fatter than I really was. under the photo was written:

''The fat whale''

-That's the big thing? How stupid! -I laughed.

Laila wasn't laughing,She seemed quite concerned.

-look- she sighed- That's not so bad, but i heard that Katy wants to beat you up.

Okay, now I had a problem.

katy walked up to me and gave a horrible false smile

-Hello Marjorie! let's chat a bit.

People were starting to stare at me.

She started laughing:

- Whats wrong? are you afraid?

A/N Does anyone here like listening to the cab? I was thinking about writing a fanfic about them once this story is done ( I already know how it ends so it will probably have no more than 20 chapters :P)

Also I know my ''chapters'' have been rather short but I'll do what I can to make them longer ;)

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