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-So...Are You a bit nervous?- I asked Marjorie trying to make conversation.

-A bit. Whens the bus coming?

-In about five minutes.

she looked down, avoiding to look at me

-Hey. i bet you will like it there.This school is different, /they will accept You.

-Thanks- She replied coldly

I sighed. It was probably better for me just to keep quiet and leave her with her thoughts. At least for now.

-The bus is here!- Kyra yelled out loud for all the kids around there to get in.

I was the first one on, Marjorie followed me and sat next to me. So at least She was not mad at me or anything.

The ride would take about an hour, so I got my phone, put some songs to play and looked out the window admiring the beautiful view of trees and nature.


- Ten more minutes!- a happy voice yelled from the back of the bus.

I turned off my phone at put it back in my pocket. We were almost there.

Marjorie was shacking at I honestly felt a bit sorry for her

-Hold on! - I laughed

She laughed too trying her best to seem happy


I stepped of the bus and took a deep breath expecting to see a big building or something. Instead I saw a small wooden shack

-What do you think? Isn't it amazing? - an enthusiastic kid from behind me asked

-Um,...Yeah- I said trying my best, without success, to not seem unhappy

This was a joke. No doubt about that.

-Don't judge a book by its cover. Look inside before making any decisions- Jake whispered in my ear.

Fine. I was going to give it a chance. I hesitantly followed him.

One thing I must confess. I had never seen a beautiful place like that. It was a wheat crop, but it was such a quiet calm place...I felt like just laying there, looking up at the sky and thinking about random things.  Okay, that sounds ridiculous, but something about the place made me feel...happy. A feeling I was not used to

I slowly stepped inside. There was a big hole in the middle of the shack.

-Hold my hand- Jake said- We are jumping in


-Just trust me, I wont let You go.

I held his hand, and closed my eyes expecting the worse. Why was I even doing this?

We jumped and fell on something soft at the bottom of the hole which was surprising because there was nothing at all covering the hard, cold floor. Weird.

-Follow me.

i looked around. An underground school sounded different. There were many doors of all colors and sizes but We kept on walking until We reached one very, VERY large room full of tables and seats, all very clean and organized.

-We have to sit here and wait for the others.

little by little, more people came in, not only from my family but apparently from many others. Some seemed happy and excited, others, which formed a minority where I was included, seemed to be more confused, lost.

When the room was finally full a young man with dark black hair announced

'' Welcome all of You! It's great to have You all. Each one should go to their rooms. Today You can do whatever You want, but starting tomorrow there will be chores given to all of You and additional activities for who ever is interested in them. Also for the newbies, I'd just like to say that although this is a special school, that doesn't mean in any way You won't have to take the classes yo were used to, like math,science, etc. In that way this school is very similar to the ones you were used to studying at.

You are probably asking yourself: why am I here than?

The answer is simple. If You are here its because You have very strong powers, or have not learned to use your powers, or both. this can cause... unexpected confrontations....or...lets say... nasty misunderstandings....with the common people

''Katy'' I thought remembering the episode that happened a while ago. that certainly was a BIG confrontation....

-Well Today will be fun! Go ahead and meet Your new classmates!

I looked around and saw all the thin, pretty and false girls immediately get together, forming a type of alliance against the newbies and simple kids. Just great, I truly HATED those types

The guys also started talking at finding friends. Some were just total idiots, to not say something worse, others seemed to be nice people.

And than there was me. A newbie that was not pretty, talented, sociable, clever or anything. Just me, the ordinary looking kid.

Two girls were both looking in my direction with pity. They weren't so much better than me, but at least they had each  other

-hi - The one with brown hair said-I'm Ann. This is Clare- She said pointing at the blonde- Want to walk with us?

-Sure - I said with a smile - Lets go

After just a few minutes I started relaxing more. Ann and Clare seemed to be the cool type of person, that can be crazy at times but is also funny and not easily offended . Things were looking good until...well until I met someone ''katy style''

a tall beautiful blonde full of make up and three girls came walking to us full of attitude.

-Hi there!-She greeted - I know You're new around here but you better of alone than with these... People- looking at ann and clare visibly disapproving them-Come with me -She invited

Ann and clare took a step back and were about to walk of when I stood up for them:

-I honestly prefer to be with these ''people''.

Ugly looks from the girls behind her

She just gave a dramatic sigh and a false smile

-Well than... one more looser this year.

She turned around with her friends and walked down the hall

Both Ann and Clare seemed very worried and serious;

-That was really risky. Bia can really pick on Her enemies...You did not have to do that now she wants revenge

-Oh well. I'm used to dealing with people like her

that was not a lie at all.

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