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 - Marjorie?

I opened my eyes to see Ann and Clare staring at me

-Are You okay? You seem a bit pale and have bags under Your eyes...- Clare noticed

-Sometimes I just have a hard time sleeping- I mumbled back

So it was not exactly I lie, but by their face expressions I could tell They knew I was hiding things from Them, but thankfully they did not insist and went to get dressed up. Its not that i didn't trust them or anything but the story was still bothering me a lot and I was not sure how they would react if they knew the situation, and if they freaked out or something?

I got up, got dressed and went have some breakfast.

-Our  first class today is PE- Clare commented reading the schedule - I heard We will be running.

-That's lovely!- Ann replied all happy- I just love sports, don't You Marjorie?

-Um...Not really- I confessed not so enthusiastic

-Well this year You might change Your mind.

-Yeah. - i mumbled staring at the food I didn't really feel like eating

Realizing that I was not talking she sighed and started talking to clare.


Every one kept very quiet as our new teacher came in , He was tall, muscly and very serious.

-Today We will be running- He announced - and the best student gets a special prize, good luck to you all!

Some people were whispering and looking around, probably wondering what the prize would be.

-You will all be doing laps around the track, and as You see it's very big so if anyone does not feel well please do not force yourself to do more because last year a couple of people fainted or threw up and We don't want that to happen again, got it?

Some students nodded but most did not seem to be paying attention

on the count of three!!

everyone walked over  to a certain point and got ready. I could hear some complaints, but I liked running although i was pretty terrible at all the other sports.

-one...two...THREE!- He yelled

They all took off, including me.

I felt happy and free, until a thought came to my mind. My old life.

As i ran, I tried to imagine myself just a few weeks ago, but with no success.

For a few seconds it felt like...I couldn't remember it. Like if it was all a very long and awkward dream and that it did not really happen. This made me feel discomfort. So my life was far from being good at the time, but how could I have deleted it from my mind? How could I?

Another thing, I was loosing my personality traits and control of my thoughts. The new me...It was not me! Why had I snapped at Jacob like that? and why on earth would I feel frustrated for no reason?

I felt like crying, but I stopped myself. Bia and her little friends were laughing at me

-FAT LOOSER- Bia yelled at me making a few kids giggle.

i smiled and ran even faster, when people doubt me it actually encourages me to continue on, I wanted to prove her wrong, or better, I needed to prove her wrong.

Soon, I had completed my second lap, about five or six stopped and the rest continued on.

By the third lap, there were twenty people running.

By the fifth, twelve were running.

Finally by the seventh, only five others were still hanging in there. Jacob, Bia and her friend, Ann and a tall blond boy. Ann and Bia's friend were puffing heavily and would drop out at any minute, by real competition was against Jacob Bia and the blond guy I did not know.

I looked to my side and saw a frustrated Bia staring at me, probably wondering why I was still there. When I caught her looking, She flushed in shame and anger, and I smiled and went just a bit faster. Seeing the enemy angry and jealous encouraged me ( although that may sound rather mean)

A few more minutes passed and I started breathing really fast. I could feel my heart pumping, my feet were hurting and I was starting to get dizzy. I was about to stop when I noticed the others were way behind me and slowing down. I was almost there...just a bit more...

The blond boy was only a bit in front of me, I knew I had a chance in catching up so I took a deep breath and struggled to do so.

Thats when I noticed ...He was not tired. His hair was neat, He was not sweating at all and He seemed to be enjoying himself a bit to much. He looked at me and gave a silly smirk, like if He found the fact I was exhausted....amusing .

Than He took off and full speed, leaving me there standing in chock. I noticed some classmates laughing or whispering despite the fact I had done very well for myself. I went walking back to the starting point, now accepting the fact I had lost and was in second place.

-We have a winner: Congratulations Ryam! - He said as the blonde guy, that seemed so thin and pale, stand up proud of himself

-I'd also like to give miss Karthane a bit of credit for trying hard... keep in mind Ryam has never lost a race, He's ...''special'' ... with it.

That's when it hit me. Every one here had different reasons to be in this place. I could see things before a bit before they happened, sometimes I was sensitive and could see peoples memories or hear their thoughts, but others had different abilities, and visibly Ryam's strength was speed. All along I had no chance.

-Your prize is.... A free month at the academy!!



I saw Marjorie slowly walking in my direction and I knew She wanted to talk to me just by the expression of her face, but I did not really feel like  talking to her. I had done research and was willing to help her but She could not know that, if She knew She would try to help. I was afraid of that because if anything went  wrong... someone could be killed. To be more precise She could be killed. The substances to do separation were strong and the process was risky, if She tried anything on her own the THING inside her could torture her to avoid the process from happening.

-Jacob...about last night...- She began

-Marjorie. Do not try to explain yourself, okay? I know You heard everything, don't deny it, but You can't do anything about it. At least not on your own. You need help. I can....

-STOP! - She yelled - I hate you. Can't You see? I DO NOT WANT YOUR HELP

her face and eyes turned red, her body was shaking from top to bottom and that voice...thin and loud...was not hers.

That was not her.

It was not Marjorie Karthane.


I woke up in a white room. Greyson looked directly at me, with concern

-Marjorie, I am here to help, but You must be sincere with me. Than I'll see what I can do.- He said

Little by little I started remembering what had happened

-JACOB- I said a bit to loud- Jacob...I yelled at him...No reason...Gosh where is He?

-It's okay. Nobody was injured. Please sit down. we need to talk. Don't be afraid to tell the truth, I am only trying to help. So is Jacob, but You must help yourself too. Promise me You are willing to do that. 

- I ...promise- I said with a sigh

It was a difficult promise to make

A/N okay so the story will finish in a few chapters. Hope someone is enjoying this but I have another story planned out and I think it will be much better because this one of my first stories.

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