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So I thanked him for showing me around the place and quickly ran into the bathroom. That way, He would not realize I had said that just to change the subject.

Why on earth did I say that? what had gotten into me?

I took a deep breath. 'Calm down You can still fix the mess'' I thought to myself

So a slowly walked out the door pretending to be perfectly okay with myself. At least I was used to doing that, after all I hated sharing my personal problems with other. So what if my life was complicated? I did not want to hurt other people just because I was hurt.

-ummmm.... hey...I was...wonderingifmaybetomorrowwecouldkindahangoutsomewhere

-Slow down! - He laughed noticing how nervous I was

I took another deep breath

-I was wondering if maybe tomorrow We could go out somewhere or...something

at first, He seemed surprised, but few seconds later He smiled.

-Tomorrow will be a big day for You. I'm not sure sure if You will have time for me.

-I know tomorrow is my first day living here but...

-Aren't You excited about going to a special school?- He asked

-SPECIAL SCHOOL?-I asked confused

-Oh I shouldn't have said that it was going to be a surprise- He remembered - Well pretend I did not tell You. Good night!

Sometimes I'm not sure if I feel like giving him a hug or a punch.

-Good night - I mumbled turning around

School. How could I not think about that? It really affected me

-Hey, one last thing, are You going to be in that...special school or whatever

-Maybe- He replied with a smirk - Why do You ask? would You miss me if I did not go? i bet You would much rather admire my good looks than pay attention to a class...

OH NO. He did NOT just say that.

Seeing my shock He tapped my shoulder and whispered in my ear:

-Go to bed, it's getting late, If someone saw us together here, just the two of us...

Gosh He had a point. Both of us there, at the corner near the bathroom, nobody else... I had to get out of there

-BYE- I said in a bad mood turning around and running back.


I heard some knocks on my door. Kyra slowly opened it and came to me

-Good morning Marjorie. Please get dressed and get downstairs, We will talk.

I was excited.

Usually I had no reason to get up in the morning. Now I was enthusiastic. So many new things. Jake. A special school. A new family.

A new life

I put on a simple T- shirt and some jeans

I ran down the stairs and sat at the big table full of the tastiest foods i had ever seen.

About fifty people were sitting there too. Indeed I had a very different family. A VERY different one

To my surprise most did not even bother look in my direction. I mean, some girls gave me a curious glance but that was about it. No questions were asked. Maybe they wouldn't like me after all

-Please stop doing that- Kyra whispered in my ear

-Doing what?

-Going invisible.

Oh. My. Gosh. Was I literally doing that? I mean, I had always been treated like if I was invisible, but... Well ....If I really had the capability of fading out my image...

ideas came to me. Very bad, risky ideas...

''use the force for good things or don't use it'' a voice from my head ordered

I felt disgusted of myself. Kyra was giving me a chance. a chance to fit in, to have a family, to be loved. No, those ideas were not mine!

''They don't love you, they are not a good family. Use the force as you wish''- A sad voice from my head said


-Marjorie? Are You okay?

Kyra's worried voice brought me back to reality

-Fine just a bit nervous...

She stepped in font of the table and grabbed a little bell. when everyone heard the little noise they quickly stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her

-I'd like You all to meet Marjorie Karthane, and I hope You all get to like her.

Some people smiled at me but most seemed a bit indifferent

Kyra presented me to all of them and than I was allowed to eat

A meal I will never forget

I am so used to just having a bowl of cereal, a bit of coffee  or something like that. There were all types of pies, sweets, and snacks imaginable ( sweets for breakfast? Chayane would hate that ! )

- I see You are enjoying the food- she noticed with a smile

I surprised myself.

Before I had eating problems. I would easily skip meals and if I finally decided to eat something I would feel sick, fat an ugly, but not here. I felt normal, like if I would be accepted no matter what

Noticing my surprise She quickly added

-That's good. You will need lots of energy, the more the better. After all today is your first day at the ''special'' high school.   You have to get there at 2o'clock. Jake will show You around.

So Jake was still going to be around...

-What time to I get back?

-six months from now.

-WHAT? You are kidding

-I'm not dear. You study for six months in a row and than You rest a month. Its hard work, I know. but it is necessary, You can no longer live in the normal society until You have total control over yourself.

don't worry though. I teach there! Not only that...I'll be teaching Your class!

-Yeah!awesome- I said in a not-so-enthusiastic tone


My mother was going to be my teacher

She would realize that I am terrible with school.

That I don't get along with anyone.

Not so good

-If You want You can go to Your room and start packing. - she suggested noticing my discomfort

-I'm on it.

I tool about half an hour to organize it all. Than I past the rest of my morning studying, because this time I WAS NOT going to get out of line

A/N So do You think things will work out for Marjorie?

I've got lots to do but I'll try to update as soon as I can

This has nothing to do with the story but whats your favorite band?

ME: Panamore <3

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