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 Marjories flashback part 2

_I...I...j-j-just....came t-t-to...get water?!-I stuttered.

-WHATS SHE DOING HERE?-my ''mother'' yelled.


When He said that We both looked at Him.

-Marjorie. I'm sorry We never told You before, but We will keep You. I love You and  Chayane does too. We will get you help.

-Who's my mother?-I cried

-She is mentally ill,Marjorie. Very sick. She can't see you or she might get worse. she does not know who your father is...

 That's when He hugged me.

-Go to bed,Marjorie. you have to rest a bit now.

I obeyed him, but I couldn't sleep. My mind was full of horrible and sad ideas. Did they really care or where they just pretending? Maybe They really were going to get rid of me.

That night was very difficult. Instead of seeing a white cat,I saw a black one for the first time. I continued respecting my ''parents'' but the love had changed. It's hard to explain.

After that things got worse: I went to the doctor  but He did not understand my problem, He told chayane that I had imaginary friends because I had depression and was feeling lonely.

( I did have depression and I was lonely, but that's not why I was imagining things.)

So I was never really cured, but I stopped talking about it and kept my feelings to myself.

After that, I continued seeing cats, but  not white ones, all of them were black.

I continued seeing spirits but they were no longer happy. They were always crying,or serious

 I felt coldness invade me. (This sounds weird I know)

They forced me yo be friends with a snob girl called Katy. I hated her. When my friends were around, She pretended to like me, and as soon as they turned their back she would torture me.

Now We are truly enemies but my ''parents'' still refuse to believe me.

When I saw Katy today,and when I saw that blonde girls spirit I no longer had control over my body, it's like everything happened...in an automatic way.


She needed my help, now there was no doubt about it

-I know this is a personal question-I started of-but did You ever meet your...biological parents after that?

-They don't let me, they say She has problems, that She doesn't know who the father is.

-Do You  believe them/?

-I have to...I guess...To be honest I  don't know who to believe in anymore. I'm so...unlucky

-I'm also. I mean, I can hardly remember  my mother...

-...She died in a car crash. you had to live with your dad-She cut me off.  You were about six years old.

-Seven-I corrected.

-I saw the scene when I met You.

-You were correct when you said You were weird- I laughed

-So...What should I do?-She asked-How can I stop this from happening?

-The answer is simple...DON'T.

-Don't?-She asked surprised and confused.

-have You ever tried USING your power for something? Like ...To do something...Wrong?

-What do You mean with that?


Some snob and popular kids walked by us  with a bag of potato chips and He got up to talk with them

-Hi there!

-What do ya want-?- The guy said in a bad mood

-Your chips-Jake replied

-What makes You think We'll give it to You?-they all started laughing

-I'm hungry,pass them to me-He ordered

They kept on starring at each other and than for some reason They passed Him the chips and continued walking on

-That's SO awesome- I laughed-Can You do that with me though?

-I've never tried...Let's see.

For a few seconds He stared at me and my mind went blank. I couldn't hear any of the noise that was around me, like if We were the only ones present in the cafeteria. Than, I started to feel very sleepy.

I tried to resist, forcing my mind to stay awake and alert but it was getting each time more difficult.

-Tell me something you have never told anyone before.

My lips started shaking, and His voice was hypnotizing me.

-No-I said blocking Him- You tell ME something YOU never told anyone.

I noticed He was not going to give in so easily, but I also wasn't.  I used all my strength and so did He.

Unfortunately, He was better than I was with this.

'' So I once tried running away from home, but I gave up because I had no better place to go to '' I confessed at last

He looked at me not knowing what to say:

-I feel for You,it must be difficult.

-I'm used to it, I guess.

-But there is a place You could go to...

A/N 100 reads! thanks so much it really makes  my day <3

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