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  I woke up in a quiet white room with someone sitting in a chair next to me.

-She's up!

Jake. The simple thought that He was there, looking after me, made me feel that little bit better, after all, I thought He was still mad at me because of those things a said a while ago...

A short nurse came running in my room and started questioning me. She asked all sorts of things, when was the last time I had eaten, if I had anxiety or depression issues, things like that. She seemed to be very concerned so I decided to not lie, although I must confess that I left lots of stuff out.

-You passed out a few hours ago.  Every body was so worried especially your mother! You were so pale and seemed to be talking ...alone. In fact yelling to Yourself. I better go get Kyra

she than raced out of the room leaving Jake and I alone there.

He gave a discreet smile and sat at the corner of the bed looking in my eyes.

-So...Do You want to talk?

-Um...okay...Sorry for the other day...Our misunderstanding.... I wouldn't be ashamed if You were related to me I meant something else because...

-Shhh- He interrupted- You don't need to worry about that I'm sure You have already got enough to worry about.

-Yeah, sometimes I just ...Loose control of my thoughts...Like if there was a voice inside me that takes over. Takes over my thoughts, feelings,...Everything. It crawls in my skin, I feel it taking over, and  it becomes each time stronger. The more I try to resist the more it becomes a part of me. It knows that I am insecure, and it takes advantage of that. So much pressure...I obey it. Its my boss, unfortunately.

Each day that passes it gets worse, I confuse the real me with the other me, I confuse reality with imagination. If I could kill it though, i would be killing myself.

My biggest enemy ... Its in me.

He stared at me in chock. Why on earth did I confess all that ? probably because I felt that I could trust Him, He wouldn't tell anyone and it would stay between us. Although my ''brilliant plan'' already failed. There was Kyra, at the door, looking at me with disappointment.

-You need help. Tomorrow night I want You to talk with Grayson.

She sighed leaving the room and Jake seemed completely uncomfortable, who could blame Him?

-Ummm ... Do You know this...Grayson?

-Yeah He is...different. But I believe He is the only one that could help you , or at least the only one willing to.

something was so different about him, maybe I was wrong. He did not really like me.

*** (one day later)


-Sir, how was she?

grayson looked at me with pitty

-Well, i'm sorry to break this to you but your girlfriend...She has it. There is indeed something living inside her, so horrible I prefer not to talk about it. It is really disgusting and abnormally strong, in no time it will take over. Soon She wont be Marjorie Karthane anymore. She will be an evil despicable creature in a nice body. Just that.

-Surely there is a way to...rescue Her?

-There is only two ways- He said with a very serious expression oh his face.

1 Kill her

-NO!-I interrupted a bit to loud

-...or 2.  Make a separation . It is risky though...Terrible things could happen in the process. But for now we must wait. See how things will go.

I nodded, He was right. Although that didn't make me feel so much better.

-I'll be in my room , Sir. Thank you for your help.



I just couldn't fall asleep. Worried about so many things.

I got out of my bed quietly, to not wake up Ann and Clare. Tiptoeing out, I started walking around the halls. Walking around at this time of the night was against the rules, for sure. And yes, it was probably a very stupid idea that I would regret and be punished for.  that thought made me stand still for a minute. going back would be the best thing to do.

But as always, I took the risky incorrect option and continued walking

''gooooo'' a voice in my head hissed

I felt a sudden need to go somewhere. a saw a little light in my front and decided to follow it there]

At first it was easy to catch up with but it got each time faster and harder to reach, in no time I was jogging to get it and in a few minutes I was actually running. It made many turns, went down stairs and stopped at a dead end

''The painting''

There was a big painting on the wall, i pulled it and it revealed a passage to somewhere.

''I am totally in trouble if i go in...''

 but that did not stop me from going in

the passage was rather gross> spider webs and dust all over< several times i considered going back> being there at this hour was far from being correct>

"keep going you are almost there" the voice hissed

damn that voice it was taking over and i just could not stop it.

Finally after what seemed to be forever the tunnel finished, revealing a small dark room where the only source of light were a few candles on top of a round stone  table. I walked over and started looking at the books on the table when I heard voices and footsteps, making me panick

''under the table NOW'' the voice hissed

Not wanting to be spotted I threw myself under the table and held my breath for a few seconds. Two people entered the room, I saw the feet walking towards me. they took a seat and started talking

 -Sir, how was she?- A guy asked

It did not take me that long to recognize who it was: jacob.

''lets see how much you will love him now'' the voice laughed in my head

My body was shaking more than it ever did and i felt like if my body was on fire and there were butterflies in my stomach.  I trusted Jacob but why was he here:? at this time?

-Well, i'm sorry to break this to you but your girlfriend...She has it. There is indeed something living inside her, so horrible I prefer not to talk about it. It is really disgusting and abnormally strong, in no time it will take over. Soon She wont be Marjorie Karthane anymore. She will be an evil despicable creature in a nice body. Just that.- a mans voice replied

They were talking about me?!

'' don't trust them they find You disgusting, evil, despicable. They do not care'' the voice said


''we'll see....''

I heard the conversation in chock. Not so long later Jacob left to go to his room and The man turned around to go as well leaving me there alone.

It was now safe to cry

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