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I told him everything. About how it was like to feel something crawling in my skin all the time, how it was each time more difficult to ignore the voices and how I would constantly confuse reality with the imaginary problems in my mind.

There was something inside me, something ''behind the surface'' causing insecurity and confusion. All this would make me afraid and the fear was making me fall and get each time worse.

I had wounds that wouldn't heal. It was like I would never find myself again, because someone or something was taking over and controlling even my thoughts. It was distracting me against my own will, causing me to do things I did not really want to do.

Greyson did not say very much. He would just sit there without saying a single word, listening and paying attention to every thing I said

- beneath my skin there is something I can't stand and I want...to kill it. Get over it.

-Close your eyes.

I did as I was told. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder and took a deep breath.

Everything went dark and after a few minutes I was no longer there. Or maybe I was, but my thoughts were somewhere else.


The room was dark and plain; just a shelf with one a few books, a backpack thrown in a corner and a guitar next to it. A mirror on the wall that had a crack in it. I was laying in a  bed with a very thin blanket on top of me and for a while I did nothing else but lay there trying uselessly to remember what happened , why I was there and if I had been there before.

I was there because of Greyson. There was no doubt about that, and I had already been in that room before. Everything there seemed familiar to me...

It was my room. Or better, my old room. Slowly I started remembering.

My father, the competent lawyer, Ary, my sister that was better than me in every single way, my mother that never understood me, my aunt my old school that I did not do so well at, everything. A flood of memories, few good ones and many bad or confusing ones.  How could I have forgotten all of this?

My parents were probably downstairs watching something on TV. Ary was probably at some party or sleeping over at her friends house, wondering why I had not been writing anymore. People at school had noticed my absence but it was no big deal, or maybe they did not even notice it at all. Hard to say.

Well it sounded weird to call them my parents and to call Ary my sister, I now knew they Were not related to me in any way. but foe years I thought they were and I did not know what would be a more appropriate way to call them.

When I looked behind me I nearly fainted in fear when i noticed who was there staring at me. Deep blue eyes, perfect face, long dark thin hair  and a mad expression She smiled but not in a happy way.

- We meet at last.

A sudden terrible sensation took over me. Depressive thoughts, pain, remorse, all the terrible things took over as She just stood there incredibly calm  observing me in amusement. It was her. The voice was the one that would constantly put evil ideas in my head.

-why? Why do You do it? - I asked at last finally getting over my initial chock

She continued staring at me with hatrid

-Your mother was always better than me. Always. Since the very first day She opened her eyes. We were twins yet so different...I wanted to be the principal of that school. It was my only dream in life, but no...She had to. She was always getting everything. When You were born I knew You would be like her and I hated that. I knew You would be the next one to lead the ''special school'' that You eventually would be the leader

That's why I  would do everything I could to ruin You, only You could see me and I knew that. A few weeks ago I officially died, but I will exist until You die, because a piece of me is in You. I will only stop my existence when You stop yours.

I looked at her, and at first I felt anger.

But slowly the anger would fade away and pity would take its place. I looked again at her but in a different way. I looked into those deep blue eyes and I saw more. I saw beyond the serious and apparently perfect looking woman that stood few meters in front of me. Her eyes showed it all, with no lies.

I saw her as a kid. A small, unhappy little girl doing everything She could to get attention and love from her parents.

She would run and speak to her mother, but She would not listen to her, She was paying attention to another girl, slightly taller and prettier than her.


A few years passed. She was now in her teen years and looking  much better. Her dark black hair was longer and free, and She had a nice smile and face. She stood staring at her father, but He did not even notice her presence, because He was to busy caring for another girl. Kyra.

A flashback of all her bad moments passed threw. Moments were bullies hit her, were girls her age laughed at her face. A moment in which Kyra was dancing at a party surrounded with friends and many boys, while She sat quietly in a corner, lonely and depressed.

Than the flashback ended. All I saw was a woman that pretended to be evil and confident, but that deep inside was just insecure and desperate for attention.

She was like my weak side. In a way She was a bit like me.

A version of me that lost control and hope.


The expression on her face changed completely, now seeming less scary and more ashamed.

-How did You..d-di-d you just...

-I feel for You.

She  looked at me with a mad expression

-I regret my choices. but now it is too late, on the moment of anger I cursed You. Now a part of me is in you, what I did not know is that it would make ME feel worse. Now I will never rest, nor will You.

We are both weird, cursed and lost souls.

-No. You will have Your rest. You just have to do a separation.

-If I do You will probably die to.

-I prefer to risk it.  I'm tired of living like this.

Everything went blank and I never saw her again



Marjorie was able to survive the separation and the spirit finally gets to rest in peace. Jake and Marjorie get back together and plan to travel around the world and Marjorie does not become principal of the school, because She did not want to. Instead, Kyra elected an excellent student to take over.

A/N Okay so I finished this book. Since it was my first it's not so great at all but I'm planning on writing a new one. Bye and thanks for reading

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