Chapter 1: Volatile

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1 year ago*

Jason POV:

Splattered blood was masked all over their bodies. Volatile gashes penetrated their skin. I stood there. Shock and disbelief engulfed my face. Frantically shaking them ,to wake up, I was greeted with cold, dark, red blood oozing from my hands. It was a lethal nightmare, that I could never escape. I desperately scrubbed my hands clean, until they became as raw as the current state of my heart. That is the risk ,that you knowingly accept, when you operate a gang. You are a visible target. A walking time bomb. A pulled trigger. I was only twenty and was left with a mess that would be nearly impossible to fix. I had to remain strong for the sake of my sister, Jazmyn, though. I had to pretend to be the person I so desperately wanted to be for her right now. Wiping the insoluble, forbidden tear drops from my eyes, I entered her room with a stiff face. I had to tell her the truth. I had to tell her that our parents are dead. Kneeling before her, I clasped her hands into mine. She immediately knew something was wrong.



"Jason! Jason! What is wrong?"

"Princess...There has been a shooting and it involves our parents." I said as calmly as possible.

Panick washed upon Jazzy's face. Tears splotched across my now pale face. I squeezed her hands tighter. What I would say next would change the course of our lives forever.

"Mommy and Daddy were shot to death by "The Assassins". I am not sure why, but I promise you Jazzy I will make sure every one of those gang members pay for what they have done to our parents. I love you so much and I will not let anything hapen to you! Can you trust me?" I really knew why, but I could not bring myself to tell her. She was too young to learn who my parents really were. I still had a hard time processing it myself.

Jazmyn wiped the tears that were streaming down her face and wrapped her fragile arms around my waist,while whispering in my ear.

"I trust you Jason. I love you too! Promise me one thing though. Make every single one of them pay for what they have done!"

"I promise Jazmyn....I promise!". I said as I kissed her forehead. Jason McCaan always keeps a promise.

With that, we layed down together surrounded by darkness. I desperately rocked her to sleep hoping that any grief she encountered would go away forever and fill me instead. Hoping that I was mature enough to take care of her. I did not have the best reputation. I stayed awake running through all of the possibilities in the weeks to come. For the first time ever, I got down on my aching knees and prayed.

Year Later*

After our parents brutal murder I took the initiative to create the most feared gang of Los Angeles, "The Venerates". I chose that name, because it means great respect and I want that in return from everyone of my self chosen gang members. Being the head leader of "The Venerates", at only twenty one, is epic; I am able to have the power I always desired and knowingly craved for. On top of that, I get to fuck any girl I want. No strings attached. People worship me, because I have accomplished more than they ever have in their entire lifetime. I was finally able to buy a wicked mansion for Jazmyn and I and a sick looking electric, red Bugatti. Jazzy does online schooling now, because I am paranoid that someone will try to take her away from me. She is all that I have left. Sadly, Jazmyn still has not been able to get over our parents death. Lately she has been pushing her boundaries and acting out towards me , because I'm overprotective and won't let her do normal teenage things. I feel bad, but I cannot lose the only person that makes me want to live. I trust my gang around Jazzy; they are like family. Each member all have one common goal and that is to destroy our rival gang "The Assassins". We are waiting for the right time to strike, to catch them off guard. I want Kyle Monroe , the lead member of "The Assassins", to experience the same pain Jazmyn and I felt when he took away our parents. I want Kyle Monroe dead, but before he does I want to take away the thing he cherishes the most! That is what I'm still searching for.



Breaking my thoughts I heard Cameron, my best friend that belongs to the gang, yell

"Jason! Jason! There has been an issue. You are not going to like this news, but one of the warehouses downtown was blown up last night."

"WHAT THE FUCK! I know who did it and they are going to motherfucking pay!", I spat angrily. Getting the keys I hopped in my red Bugatti ,with Cameron, and drove downtown to see what remained. Nothing was left. Not even evidence to prove that "The Assassins" did it.

"Come on Cameron! Let's make those cunts pay!"

"Jason... I think we need to think this through carefully. What would Jazzy say if you rush into a battlefield of disaster and get yourself killed, all because of one heated moment?"

" A heated moment? Kyle messed with my fucking investment. No one messes with my hard earned money. I care about retaliation and killing all of those bastards who were involved. We are the most feared gang of Los Angeles. They can't just come into our territory and shed problems that will lead the police to us. They have no business being here. They are from Atlanta! I want them dead. Do you hear me Cameron?"

"Yes, Jason!"

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