Chapter 30: Reality

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Jason POV:

Opening the door, I saw a frightened looking Jazzy. Her mouth immediately dropped when she examined the bruises all over my chest. Clasping her hands into mine, I gave her a reassuring smile that I was okay. I hated seeing my princess upset when it was not necessary. Tears dripped down her face. I wiped them away and picked her up taking her to her room. Setting her down, I sat on her bed and spoke from my heart. Reality caved in.



"Baby girl, I am so proud that you stayed and did not make a fuss when I ordered you to hide in the crawl space. Now that you are here, I can tell you what happened. Basically, Andrew and his gang came to our house, because he wanted to finish me off. That's why I told you to hide, because if he got a hold of you, again, who knows what could have happened this time. Andrew shot me in the ribcage and luckily "The Assassins" and "The Venerates" got here in time, before he could finish me off. I nearly died today, Jazz, and because of that I am taking all of the proper safety precautions. Tomorrow you and Cameron are going to New York for a few days until things are safe. Cameron has family up there and I know they will take good care of you and so will Cam."

"I don't want to leave you alone, Jasey. Why can't you come too?" Jazmyn whined in my shoulder.

"I don't want you to leave, but I know it will be best for us. You will be safer and I can rest knowing that you are in good hands. "The Crypts" could come back again, so in the meantime you will be in New York. You have to do something for me though. Can you promise?"


"You are going to wear the gold locket around your neck the entire time and not take it off. I don't want it lying around here, because The Crypts" are after it. They would never suspect you had it."

"I can do that for you." Jazmyn spoke as she tried to walk away. Grabbing her arm, I forced her to sit down on my lap again.

"When I was about to die, I saw mom and dad. It was so peaceful and I wanted to stay with them, but they told me to come back to you and Lexus. Mom said how proud she was of me and how you were becoming the most amazing daughter she dreamed of. They told me to tell you how much they love you and they still feel guilty for not being there for you when you needed them the most. Mom told me that you cry every night for her and she wishes she could be there to hold you. Princess, you don't have to pretend to be strong. When you feel sad, just come to my room and I will be there for you when you need me the most."

Tears streamed down Jazmyn's face as she hiccupped uncontrollably. Rubbing her back and whispering in her ear, she immediately calmed down.

"Tell me what you're thinking, baby girl."

"I miss them every day and feel guilty that it wasn't me instead. I want to talk to mom and tell her about the guys I like and want daddy to walk me down the aisle one day. I don't want to bother you since you are busy every night. I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position talking about girl stuff and I honestly feel like a burden."

"You are far from a burden, Jazz. I love you so much and if it had of been you who died, I wouldn't be alive either. I don't care if you talk to me about girl stuff. I might not know everything, but I can tell you the best I can. Also, I can tell you what a guys motives are whenever you are doubting if you should be with him. I'll walk you down the aisle one day. You are what matters to me the most! I love you so much. More than words can ever describe." I spoke cuddling her.

Her chocolate, brown eyes stared up at me and ,at that moment, my heart nearly stopped. I wanted to take all of the pain she had, away. Looking up at the ceiling, I knew my parents were watching and would be proud of us. We made it.

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