Chapter 4: Fragile

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Cameron POV:

What the fuck did I just get myself into? I just invited the sister,of the guy I recently betrayed, into "The Assassin's" territory. This was their cabin and was where we made all of our secret plans. It was the exact same cabin where we made the executive decision to blow up one of Jason's warehouses. I had to think quick when Jazzy was questioning me. I hope she could not tell that something was off with me. Even though I betrayed Jason, I still loved his little sister like my own and did not want her to think I could ever abandon her like that. Running my fingers through my slightly, golden, brown, messy hair, I had to think of a good excuse why my "cousin" was here, when we are not allowed to have anyone other than the gang here. If they knew it was Jazmyn McCaan, they would murder her in a heart beat. I could not let my little Jazzy get hurt.


Kyle(Head Gang Leader)=normal

Walking into the living room and desperately holding Jazzy's hand ,like her life depended on it, I was immediately given a death glare from Kyle, the head leader.

"Who the fuck is that and what is she doing here?" Kyle spat.

"This is my little cousin ,Jazzy,and she jut came to visit me, because she was having a bad day at school and didn't want to talk to anyone else but me."

"What did I tell you? I told you no one else, but us! Are you incapable of simple directions?"

"I am capable of directions,sir. I'm sorry ,this will never happen again, but can she please stay?"

"Fine, but I don't want any trouble from her. Show her to your bedroom, so she can sleep there for only tonight!"


With that I led Jazzy into my bedroom  and gave her some of my clothes that she can sleep in. They were too big on her and only made her more adorable. She looked good in my clothes.Tucking her in, only made my heart melt more. Jason was so lucky to have her as his sister. I slowly crept out of the room and went on with Kyle's blueprints to eliminate Jason. Hours later, I returned to my room and saw Jazzy sleeping so peacefully. She was an angel. Kissing her forehead, I got under the covers and held her tight. Hoping she forgives my sins, that will only finish her fragile heart off. Jason had to be eliminated and I could not go back on my word. Frowning, I knew Jason would be pissed tomorrow morning when he sees my drop off Jazzy. Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep too.

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