Chapter 8

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After I woke the nurse back up, I lied and told her she slipped and hit her head on the bed yet she was only out for a minute. I'm as smooth as butter when it comes to lying.

Once I was out of the hospital dad drove home and I went with Scott to the school library. Apparently they all went there to do some type of studying. He wouldn't tell me what the pack was up to, but now I'm curious. What could they be wanting to research that couldn't wait till a few days after I was out of the hospital? This is all turning a bit strange. Anywhore, the best part about today is getting a male lover who is also my best friend! That's great, but he's in so much danger. Damn Brody and his obnoxious self being ritualist! He nearly killed Scott, the dumb asshole!

We both erode out of the woods to see everyone's cars parked outside. Great, the whole pack is there, what is so important?!

"Well... This looks important since everyone is here." I point out. I look at him to see him cross his arms and bite his lip. Damn, that sure is sexy. Stop it Stiles! You can't let him find out your turn ons! He would use that against you so much it would get old in a day!

"Um, yeah. About that..." He nervously chuckles. I grab his hands and uncrossed them from his chest. He gives me a confused look, but when I wrap my arms around his neck he got the idea then wrapped his arms around my waist. "It doesn't matter right now. All I need is you." Scott attaches his lips to mine and move them in a slow motion. I grin and kiss back with the same pace. My god this feels amazing! I don't think I can get enough of what he has to offer. He kisses more aggressively, so I pick up the pace. Scott is such a good kisser in my eyes. I'm glad dad didn't hate me for loving Scott like I do. This kiss just feels so right which means I'm with the right person. If dad were to hate me fore this I would be devastated. I mean, I trying to pull away but he's not letting me go, so that show's he's trying to get him some good old fashion love- Hang on! Is this boy is staling!? I pushed away from Scott as hard as I could, but he was to strong. I removed my lips from his and gave a scolding expression.

"Why are you staling Scott?" He bit his lip. Stop it with the f*cking lip biting! Jesus Christ!

"Um, I'm not staling." He says, letting his eyes wonder off. I cock a eyebrow.

"Oh, Then if you don't mind letting go that would be nice." I snarly state.

"Okay." I try to pull away again and he still has a death grip on me. Fine, If you want to play it like that, I'll do the same.

"Scott, if you wont let go I'll make you." I shove him off and dart away before he could protest. When I'm where he can't see me, I shape shifted into a Raven and fly away from him and to the ledge of the library window. What are you ass holes up to?

"He could be a Sorcerer." Malia suggest to the group.

"No, it says here they have to say spells. Neither Stiles or his Brother chanted anything." Lydia sighs. They are trying to figure out what I am! That is so rude! They could have just asked like a normal people instead of going to extra mile!

"A windego?" Mason asks, pointing to the book.

"I'm pretty sure Stiles isn't a cannibal." Lydia points out, flipping the page.

"Elf, no. Dragon, no. Fairy, no. Ghost, no..." They seriously can't figure it out? They went down the list and then got to the one that made me pail. "Merman! That's it! look at all the powers! This is all the stuff they were doing!" Lydia shouts, giving a high five to Malia. Oh shit.

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