Chapter 24 *Crossover Pt.5*

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Liam-2's POV

Taylor, Tyler and I have been looking all over for Scott, Stiles and Brody, but they are nowhere to be found. There is only one more place we can check before making this emergency a code red. We run to the Animal Clinic to see if they are around there. To my surprise, Scott's scent is very strong here, meaning he must be around.

"I can smell Scott's scent." I inform the blood suckers. The twins agree, smelling the air. The three of us burst into the animal clinic, expecting to find Scott, Stiles and Brody. However, there is no one here. I frown in confusion. "But this is where their scents are strongest." Taylor comments as he walks around the waiting room of the clinic. "Check the back rooms, maybe they are just playing some stupid joke on us." Tyler suggests. The three of us split up and check all the rooms. When I haven't found anything, I walk back into the waiting room to find the twins already there. "Nothing?" I ask. Taylor and Tyler shake their heads.

"I don't get it. How could they just disappear?" Taylor crosses his arms over his chest, deep in thought. Suddenly, I feel my foot step on something. I look down to find a hand mirror lying on the ground. Feeling curious, I bend down and pick up the mirror. I turn it over in my hands, examining it. "Why was a mirror just randomly lying on the floor of an animal clinic?" Tyler asks in confusion. "Maybe it has something to do with Scott, Stiles and Brody's absences?" I suggest.

"There is something scrawled onto the back of the mirror, but I can't work out what it says." I comment as I stare at the strange looking words etched into the mirror's back. "What language?" Taylor asks curiously.

"I don't know, I've never seen anything like it." I mutter.

"Here, let me have a look." Taylor offers, holding a hand out. I shrug and give the mirror to Taylor. He frowns and looks closely at the text. "Hmm, it looks like Merish to me." He concludes.

"Can you read it?" Tyler asks her brother curiously

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"Can you read it?" Tyler asks her brother curiously.

"I don't know, Brody has taught me some Merish, but I'm still not the best at it." Taylor replies uncertainly. "Come on, you are the only one here who could have any idea what it means! You have to try," I try my best to convince the vampire. After a moment, Taylor sighs in defeat.

"Fine, I'll give it a shot." He says. Tyler and I exchange an excited smile, hoping that this could give us a clue. Taylor looks at the mirror closely. "Through the glass you will go... to a universe one won't know..." Taylor reads out.

"What the hell does that mean?" Tyler asks no one in particular, as none of us have an answer. We all watch the mirror carefully. Without warning, the mirror glows a bright white, but only for a tiny moment. If I had blinked, I probably would have missed it completely. "What was that?" Tyler asks worriedly. "I don't know..." Taylor mumbles. We look around the room. It seems perfectly fine. Nothing seems to have changed, which is a relief. "Maybe we shouldn't be messing with that mirror." I comment, turning to look back at Taylor. Suddenly, I frown.

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