Chapter 43 -Pt.2-

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"Sir! We need to get you and the princes to safety!" The guards states, swimming up after the sirens swim off. They help the king up as well as the princes.

"No, we need to stay and fight!" Stiles insists of the group.

"Yeah, I'm staying to fight." Brody says to back of his brother.

"No you aren't. All enforcers are highly dangerous. They have special weapons that are designed to kill merpeople!" Fang explains to the two. They are all taken back by this fact. What kind of poison could it be? How deadly? Are we talking in seconds or in days?

"W-what?" Stiles stutters.

"They have a poison that was made to keep Diana's kingdom from attacking their home. Since my mother has her special box jellyfish poison they needed something to counteract that. If Harz wants to bring harm to us she'll most definitely use the poison." The king adds to his statement.

"What kind of poison is it, Dad?" Brody asks in a serious tone. The king looks down and shakes his head.

"It's the same thing but modified. They call it Black Death. Their poison has mercury and sea urchin venom in it. Due to our healing factors it would take days for it to kill someone, but keep them in immense pain." Star answers for him. The sea witch twiddles her thumbs around and tries to avoid eye contact. She knew this the whole time and never told anyone. Star knew that is why Fang is in so many meetings, yet she didn't tell the pack or Sira.

"That sounds like something that would kill more than just a merperson." Scott reveals the truth in one statement. Fang and Star bob their in agreement.

"What else can it kill?" Stiles asks with venom in his tone, grabbing onto Scott's hand. He is scared of what the results might be. Scott was the only thing he could grab onto to bring comfort to his soul. Too bad it isn't enough to ease his mind. He doesn't want to joke right now, but the only way to calm that is by eating a whole tub of rocky road ice cream. That is one absolute thing he was going to get when he gets back on land. This was supposed to be a peaceful experience. Come down to the Pacific Palace, see some fish, see some people, eat some food, sleep in a castle, but no! They have to calm these sirens down, get them to get the king, get that Harz bish to calm her tats before she kills someone, ect., ect.

"Anything and anyone, even themselves. That's why I've been having these meeting so often. I've been talking to high ranking officers of their army to try and convince them having such a poison is nowhere near a good idea." Fang says.

"Okay, well then we need to get rid of it!" Taylor speaks in horror.

"Do you need us to beat it out of them?" Tyler darkly chuckles and makes the motion of pounding someone. Stiles was going to say violence isn't the answer, but in this case, he is wrong. He remembers that his doppelganger nearly lost his Scott from a bullet covered in poison because he tried to resolve a conflict without hurting anyone. There is no way he is risking his Scott's life by trying to be kind to this siren lady that is out for blood. Stiles will talk to them first though, and then act with force. He doesn't want any more hostility than there already is.

"I say we need to talk first and then act with force." Stiles input his idea and everyone seemed to kinda agree with it as they nod their heads.

"Okay, let's do this!" Brody cheers.

"Time to find a siren."

Everyone decided to split up into groups. Fang, and the two guards; Star, Brody, and Taylor; and Stiles, Scott, and Tyler. "Fang!" A raspy female voice yells. N. Sira went home to be with her family since she was too scared of what might happen. She was more of a lover, not a fighter, plus she has a passive power so what good could she do? Nature is peaceful so she is peaceful. Right?

"There!" Tyler shout, pointing out some sirens destroying a monument of a sort. The three swim up to the sirens. When they get closer they can see it is an all girl squadron. Stiles and Scott don't want to have to harm them, but if they have to, they will. Then there is Tyler who is just itching to fight them all. That may be a bad idea since they have no idea what powers the girls have.

"Excuse me ladies." Stiles coughs. They all turn to him with an evil look that makes the three members of the pack pale. They all are creepy looking with their white skin and beading blue eyes. Fun fact, that is how almost all sirens look, which is super strange.

"What do you want?" One of the females hiss. She has black hair, blue eyes, and extremely pale skin. She super strong looking though which is intimidating.

"I would like to kindly ask you to- Ah!" One of the females throw a boulder at the group and Stiles was lucky enough to catch it and toss it to the side like it was nothing. The female smirks and gets closer to Stiles.

"Hmm, I love the strong young ones." She chuckles, placing a finger under his chin. "I really need someone to match my power." Scott growls at the siren, which catches her attention. She immediately knew what that meant. It didn't stop her, however. "You will be mine." The woman starts to sing and enchant them all, or try anyways. Stiles decided to have some fun and play along with the sirens. This should be good. She sang and sang until Stiles flashes aqua eyes, making her think she's got a spell on him.

"Hey! Stop that!" Scott hisses, pulling Stiles away from the siren. All of the females are laughing except Tyler who is now way beyond pissed. These demons may be laughing now, but they won't be when she's done with them.

"Who do you belong to?" She asks. Scott whimpers a bit as Stiles avoids eye contact with him to look at the females.

"Korisa..." He coos.

"No Stiles, you are mine, I-" Scott stops mid sentence when he realizes something. Stiles is part siren so this spell shouldn't and isn't working. The alpha internally smirks as he learns what's going on. "I love you." Stiles' head snaps to the alpha. This enrages Korisa.

"Who do you belong to?" Korisa asks in a not so nice tone. Stiles looks between the siren and Scott once before turning back to Scott. The other four sirens laugh at their leader which makes her mad. They are supposed to look up at her, not laugh.

"Stiles, who do you belong to?" The siren grits once more. Stiles snaps his head to back to Korissa with a pissed expression.

"Not you." Korissa rushes at the two and tackles Stiles to the ground.

"You belong to me!" The siren yells then begins to throw punches at Stiles' face. The prince gets fed up with the bull crap and phases through the girls then slaps her down with his tail. Korissa turns around with confusion. How does this guy have more than one ability? Now that she's got a better look at him, why does he have a black simera tail? What is the story here? It doesn't matter. The power just makes her want him more. "I want you."

"I belong to nobody, but you belong to me!" Stiles yells back at her. This obsessive b*tch was crazy! Stiles is not something that she can own! Sirens may be possessive, but not this possessive! She must have a screw loose!

"Sirens, attack." The group of girls try to attack. Tyler and Scott are ready to take them on, however, Stiles is going to stop this before it even happens. The prince takes in a large breath then exhales as a simera screech. Everyone covers their ears and the siren's eyes light up like christmas tree lights. They know exactly what this means now. The other enforcer group was telling the truth. This, in fact, was their prince. Tyler and Scott shake their heads in pain from the scream, so Stiles stops.

"Like I said, you belong to me. Now, retreat and go get the king. If Harz tells you otherwise, I want you to tell her she'll deal with me if she doesn't." They all nod and swim off without another word.

"I have never been so scared of you in my life." Scott admits as he shakes his head to get the ringing out.

"Good. That should show what would happen if you cheat on me." Stiles laughs, pressing a kiss to Scott's temple.

"Trust me, there will be no cheating from me. I like keeping my head on my body." Scott admits, grabbing onto Stiles hand. Tyler turns her head and acts like she doesn't enjoy the sight of the love birds, however the smile she has tells a different story.

"Alright you two. Now that we got them to go away we need to head back to the castle, so get your fishy butts moving." The vamersi order, swimming to the large structure in the middle of the city. The Sciles couple share a smirk before following hand in hand.

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