Chapter 14

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We quickly caught Derek up on the situation at hand. He actually looked frightened with everything going on, so phe's helping us out with a plan, which we're working on right now.
"Okay, first we need to find the hospital he's at. We can track his smell with-" Salisha randomly walked up with a smile and a paper. She placed it on the table, nodding at her work. I looked down to see writing of the exact location of this guy.
"He's at Meadow's Hospital in LA, third floor, room 300 in the ICU." Derek read out with a grin. Everyone gave Salisha a be founded look at how she got this information. She only gave a nod, not saying a word.
"I swear she is the best informer there is." Brody laughed.
"Alright guys, let's do this."

Beep, Beep, Beep

God, where am I? Am I in a hospital? I though I was dead but I guess not.

"Mr.Hawman." I opened my eye and looked over to see the doctors from the lab.

"Hello, nice to see you again." I smiled, however she kept a strict mug. I don't like how she's looking at me cause it looks like one of those bad news looks.

"I'm sorry to look for me that the lab results came in and you aren't going to like what it says." Well hello to you too. Thanks for asking how I'm feeling by the way. Could this information really be that Horrendous as to where she would care more about it instead of one of her clients being in the hospital.
"And?" I asked.
"It was just skin contaminated with fish slime." My eyes widened at the information I was just told. No this can't be right, he is a fish boy.
"There must be some mistake, I know what I saw!" I screamed. The woman shook her head and walked over to the door to leave but not before turning back to me to say one last thing.
"You have ruined yourself. Enjoy the rest of your life as a security guard." The woman left leave me in a pit of rage.
That damn kid tried to kill me, and I need to get even with guy. He tried to take my life so I'll do worse. I'll take away all the things that make him want to live his life. He'll be begging for me to end him when I'm through. He did all this for that brother of his, making Stiles the first on my list. They ruined me, I'll ruin them.


Stiles POV

There is no pressure with this plan whatsoever, no pressure at all. We're just about to break into a hospital that's all, nothing major
"Alright we are all going to break off  into four groups. Group 1- Myself, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Taylor. Group 2- Malia, Tyler, Salisha.Group 3- C.J, Derek, Logan, Mason Group 4- Joesi, Mason.S, Hayden and Liam. Group 1 is going to dress up as doctors to sneak into the hospital and get in ICU. Group 2 will be dressed as nurses to do the same as the doctors, Group 3 will be Janitors for watch out, and Group 4 will be Bystanders for watch out and diversion . Salisha has obtained various files on this, so we have to get in have till tomorrow morning at 10:00. That's when we will meet up back here at Derek's loft. Any questions?" Brody asked.

All of my pack, besides myself, rose a hand in need of information.

"Any questions besides who are the new people and how we are getting the uniforms." I added on.

Just like that they all lowered their hand except for Liam. Damn, I thought he would ask the same as the pack but guess not. Good for you buddy, I'm proud.

"Yes?" I asked him. He put his hand down and looked to us with a gapping expression.

"What if he tries to snitch even after we turn him into one of our kind?" That's a good question, I don't even know the peaceful answer to that's so I have to be straight forward.

"We will kill him."

Too sick to type more -_-

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