Chapter 59

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Stiles POV

My lip curls into a smile at the sight of Deaton's animal clinic. If feels like I haven't been back here in years even if it's only been four day. (to be honest I forgot how long they were in Australia. We are just going to say four days. Lel) I didn't like it in that country, but not for all of the reasons that you would think. I loved the sights, I love the people, and I love the kingdom that Brody now rules. I only hated the place because it reminded me too much of what I am, and that would be a monster. I don't want to remember that I am a monster. I want to remember all of the good I've done and the people I've saved. I don't want to remember the death I've brung. Diana deserved to die, but it hurt to do it. I've never liked killing even if I don't show it. My killer ways have always been from my siren side and can't be tamed. Wish they could, but that curse can not be lifted.

"Sweet, sweet Beacon Hills." Scott sighs, taking a deep breath of the air. He pulls my forehead to his lips and plants a big kiss on my temple. I chuckle and wrap my arms around him like an anaconda. This right here ladies and gentlemen is the only being that can make me truly happy anymore. Through everything, he is always there no matter what and it warms me. Although, I can't help a feeling of sadness that is lingering over me. I've been having this sensation ever since I killed Diana. I'm sure I'll be over is eventually, it's only a slight and short depression. My body and soul have been through worse. Like the multiple personality disorder I have, it's put me through hell and back. It's still doing that till this day. That's why I have to keep calm and in control.

"Man, all I want to do is go home and sleep. My life sucks." Tyler grumbles. "Which reminds me, Stiles." I look over to my future sister in law with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Is there anyway I could come stay at your house. I don't have anywhere to go." She admits sheepishly. This information rattles me a bit. Where were they staying before the trip? Wouldn't she stay with Derek since she dates him.

"What about Derek? Why aren't you staying with him?" I ask her with sheer contusion. She groans and folds her arms.  I don't take that as a good sign or one of those 'We want to take it slow' type of talks. She isn't blushing and slightly smirking. Tyler looks pissed and destroyed internally. I swear if Derek hurt her, I will kick his ass. I care for sour wolf immensely, and Tyler may be crazy,  but that won't put me on his side. He has a habit of doing stupid shit and getting his ass kick, so Derek's no where near a perfect peach. 

"Because, while we were in Australia we texted for awhile and he kept asking for my age. When I told him, he freaked out and ignored my texts and calls. Fast forward to our dive to Atlantis, he sent me a break up message while I was away under the water." The French girl sighs. All of us are appalled and taken back by this statement. "He also said he was going back to stay with Isaac in New York, and don't bother texting him back." She whimpers. I gasp when I see a slight tear drip down her face. She actually liked Sour Wolf and he broke her. No one around us are believing what they are hearing. Well, guess I better find where he lives. It's ass kicking time. From a glance at Malia, she may be willing to go with me. Her hands are clenched, her veins are bulging, and her left eye is twitching. I don't even know how to comment on her appearance. 

"How come you didn't tell me these things!? I would have got the emergency break-up kit." Lydia shouts. The banshee drops her stuff and goes to comfort the cimera. For once, Tyler accepts the affection. She hug the life out of Lydia and continues to have tears drip down her face. I feel there is more to this. I'm not going to say anything, but I think the tears are for more than just the break up. If Tyler doesn't want to admit it, that's fine. I am going to get my shit back to my house and crawl up in my bed. No supernatural shit, no hassle. Hell, even no Scottie poo. He likes to get cuddly and kissy, and I'm fine with that... when I am not trying to sleep till noon. I love it cold when I'm sleeping. Scott is a damn heater. Curse his warm werewolfism. It's just going to be me, myself, and I.

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