Chapter 64

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Lydia and I arrive at the vets office and begin to hear loud chatter from inside. Curiosity gets the best of us, so we rush in to see what's happening. When I open the door, I was instantly able to recognize who the voices belong too.

" I did it! I made the cure! I cracked the code!" Tyler cheers, followed by a loud high-five.

"Way to go! Scott and Lydia just walked in the door, so let's tell them that we can help cure Stiles!" Malia shout. My eyes light up and I rush to the back to see Tyler holding up a tube filled with a nasty looking gray sludge. Lydia walks in behind me with a grin.

"You did it!? You actually did it!? How!?" I question. Both girls nod frantically, making a smile cross my face.

"I sure did! Turns out that the curse that Diana put on your boyfriend is just a mix of old Seawitch sorcery! One spell causes the body to be tired and restless all the time while the other causes emotions from everyone around the victim to be sucked into his aura. That second one is a band spell from way back when, but luckily you know a pretty old mermaid to help out with that." Tyler chirps, tossing the vile over to me. I catch it in my left hand and smile down at it.

"Diana didn't expect us to outsmart her, but we sure as hell did. We need to get the pack together and head to the lake." I say with a smirk on my face. Malia holds up her phone and shakes it at me.

"Already on it." She states all smug. Perfect.



Tyler did it! The old ass hole did it! I'm not going to even ask how because I don't understand potion stuff, but I am happy!  Stiles can be cured and Scott and Stiles can finally be reunited in their relationship!

Malia texts away on her phone to gather the pack at the Beacon Hill lake. I don't know if that included Theo, but we can use all the help we can get since Hayden moved away a couple of weeks ago. She left with her family to keep her sister safe. I think that was a good idea for them and their safety. Yeah, Liam is heartbroken, but he can get him another lady. Kinda crossing my fingers that Theo and him get together. Then I'll have a fourth ship to gawk over. The list will then be: Stiles and Scott, Taylor and Brody, Malia and Tyler, then Theo and Liam.

"Everyone is coming and Liam wants to know if he can bring Theo." Malia says, looking to Scott for an answer. The alpha waves it off and nods.

"Yeah. We've brought him on other adventures, he can come this one time." Scott replies. Yes, let a ship set sail while we repair a broken one. All I hope to do is have two ship sailing by the end of the day.

"Alright, then let's go!" I cheer, being the first out of the clinic. The pups and the simera follow me out, but I'm sure they're going to run ahead.

"We'll meet you there, Lydia." Scott vocalizes right before all of them take off running like Sonic. My eyes widen and I look around me realizing that Scott carried me here. I have no way to get to the lake except walk my red headed self there.

"You have got to be f*cking kidding me!" I kick off my high heels grabbing the straps to pick them up. My three mile adventure then begins. I am so angry at this point, that everything I think is making its way out of my mouth. My filter is out the window and down the dang street. "Freaking banshee abilities don't give me freaking speed! I'm going to miss all of the gay shit because of those idiots! I swear when I get to that lake the are going to wish they were never born! Leave me out here with no phone or car!? Excuse me, but hell no! No, no, no, and  quadruple no! My ships! My own ships have betrayed me!..." My ranting never will end. I have no control over my mouth now. I really hope a strange doesn't come driving by. That would be awkward.

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